Source code for nntoolkit.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Utility functions that can be used in multiple scripts."""

import os
import logging
import tempfile
import shutil
import sys

# Data formats
import tarfile
import h5py
import yaml
import csv

# nntoolkit
from nntoolkit.activation_functions import get_activation_function as get_af

PY3 = sys.version > '3'

if not PY3:
    from future.builtins import open

[docs]def is_valid_file(parser, arg): """Check if arg is a valid file that already exists on the file system.""" arg = os.path.abspath(arg) if not os.path.exists(arg): parser.error("The file %s does not exist!" % arg) else: return arg
[docs]def is_valid_folder(parser, arg): """Check if arg is a valid file that already exists on the file system.""" arg = os.path.abspath(arg) if not os.path.isdir(arg): parser.error("The folder %s does not exist!" % arg) else: return arg
[docs]def get_outputs(output_file): """Parse ``output_file`` which is a csv file and defines the semantics of the output of a neural network. For example, output neuron 1 means class "0" in the MNIST classification task. """ outputs = [] mode = 'rt' with open(output_file, mode, newline='', encoding='utf8') as csvfile: spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter="\n", quotechar='|') for row in spamreader: outputs.append(row[0]) return outputs
def check_and_create_model(modelfile): if not os.path.isfile(modelfile): logging.error("File '%s' does not exist.", modelfile) return None if not tarfile.is_tarfile(modelfile): logging.error("'%s' is not a valid tar file.", modelfile) return None tar = filenames = tar.getnames() if 'model.yml' not in filenames: logging.error("'%s' does not have a model.yml.", modelfile) return None if 'input_semantics.csv' not in filenames: logging.error("'%s' does not have an input_semantics.csv.", modelfile) return None if 'output_semantics.csv' not in filenames: logging.error("'%s' does not have an output_semantics.csv.", modelfile) return None tarfolder = tempfile.mkdtemp() tar.extractall(path=tarfolder) tar.close() return tarfolder
[docs]def get_model(modelfile): """Check if ``modelfile`` is valid. :param modelfile: path to a model.tar file which describes a neural network. :returns: A dictionary which describes the model if everything seems to be fine. Return ``False`` if errors occur. """ tarfolder = check_and_create_model(modelfile) if not tarfolder: return model_yml = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(tarfolder, 'model.yml'))) if model_yml['type'] == 'mlp': layers = [] for layer in model_yml['layers']: layertmp = {} f = h5py.File(os.path.join(tarfolder, layer['b']['filename']), 'r') layertmp['b'] = f[layer['b']['filename']].value f = h5py.File(os.path.join(tarfolder, layer['W']['filename']), 'r') layertmp['W'] = f[layer['W']['filename']].value layertmp['activation'] = get_af(layer['activation']) layers.append(layertmp) model_yml['layers'] = layers inputs = [] # if sys.version_info.major < 3: # mode = 'rb' # arguments = {} # else: mode = 'rt' arguments = {'newline': '', 'encoding': 'utf8'} input_semantics_file = os.path.join(tarfolder, 'input_semantics.csv') with open(input_semantics_file, mode, **arguments) as csvfile: spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter="\n", quotechar='"') for row in spamreader: inputs.append(row[0]) outputs = get_outputs(os.path.join(tarfolder, 'output_semantics.csv')) model_yml['inputs'] = inputs model_yml['outputs'] = outputs # Cleanup shutil.rmtree(tarfolder) return model_yml
[docs]def get_data(data_file): """Get data as x and y numpy arrays for a tar archive. :param training_data: The path to a tar file. :returns: Tuple (x, y), where y might be ``None`` in case of success or ``False`` in case of error """ if not os.path.isfile(data_file): logging.error("File '%s' does not exist.", data_file) return False if not tarfile.is_tarfile(data_file): logging.error("'%s' is not a valid tar file.", data_file) return False with as tar: filenames = tar.getnames() if 'x.hdf5' not in filenames: logging.error("'%s' does not have a x.hdf5.", data_file) return False tar.extractall() x = h5py.File('x.hdf5', 'r')['x.hdf5'].value if 'y.hdf5' in filenames: y = h5py.File('y.hdf5', 'r')['y.hdf5'].value y = y.reshape(len(y), 1) else: y = None for filename in filenames: # Cleanup os.remove(filename) return (x, y)
[docs]def create_boilerplate_semantics_files(neurons): """Create boilerplate files which can contain semantic meaningful values. :param neurons: A list which gives the number of neurons per layer. The first value of this list is the number of input neurons, the last value is the number of output neurons. """ # Create and add input_semantics.csv with open("input_semantics.csv", 'w') as f: for i in range(neurons[0]): f.write("input neuron %i\n" % i) # Create and add output_semantics.csv with open("output_semantics.csv", 'w') as f: for i in range(neurons[-1]): f.write("output neuron %i\n" % i)
[docs]def create_semantics_files(model): """Create semantic input and output files which can contain semantic meaningful values. :param model: A neural network model :type model: dict """ # input_semantics with open("input_semantics.csv", 'wb') as csvfile: spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter="\n", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for semantic in model['inputs']: spamwriter.writerow(semantic) # output_semantics with open("output_semantics.csv", 'wb') as csvfile: spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter="\n", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for semantic in model['outputs']: spamwriter.writerow(semantic)
[docs]def write_model(model, model_file_path): """Write ``model`` to ``model_file_path``. :returns: False if it failed. """ model_yml = {} model_yml['type'] = 'mlp' create_semantics_files(model)"Create %s...", model_yml['type']) filenames = ["model.yml", "input_semantics.csv", "output_semantics.csv"] # Write HDF5 files model_yml['layers'] = [] for i, layer in enumerate(model['layers']): W, b = layer['W'], layer['b'] model_yml['layers'].append({'W': {'size': list(W.shape), 'filename': 'W%i.hdf5' % i}, 'b': {'size': list(b.shape), 'filename': 'b%i.hdf5' % i}, 'activation': str(layer['activation'])}) # Write HDF5 files Wfile = h5py.File('W%i.hdf5' % i, 'w') Wfile.create_dataset(, data=W) Wfile.close() filenames.append('W%i.hdf5' % i) bfile = h5py.File('b%i.hdf5' % i, 'w') bfile.create_dataset(, data=b) bfile.close() filenames.append('b%i.hdf5' % i) # Create YAML file with open("model.yml", 'w') as f: yaml.dump(model_yml, f, default_flow_style=False) # Create tar file with, "w:") as tar: for name in filenames: tar.add(name) # Remove temporary files which are now in tar file for filename in filenames: os.remove(filename)