nhlscrapi package


nhlscrapi.constants module

Module level constants specifying available data

nhlscrapi.constants.MAX_SEASON = 2015

Year of the most recent season. Seasons are denoted by the year in which they end, i.e. 2013-2014 is denoted 2014

nhlscrapi.constants.MIN_SEASON = 2008

Oldest season currently supported

nhlscrapi.constants.MISS_PLAYOFF_GAMES = ['2004013420060233']

Playoff games without RTSS data on NHL.com. Format:: YYYYNNNN where YYYY is the four digit year and NNNN the four digit game number.

nhlscrapi.constants.MISS_REG_GAMES = ['20030001', '20030002', '20030003', '20030004', '20030005', '20030006', '20030007', '20030008', '20030009', '20030010', '20030011', '20030012', '20030013', '20030014', '20030015', '20030016', '20030017', '20030018', '20030019', '20030020', '20030021', '20030022', '20030023', '20030024', '20030025', '20030026', '20030027', '20030028', '20030029', '20030030', '20030031', '20030032', '20030033', '20030034', '20030035', '20030036', '20030037', '20030038', '20030039', '20030040', '20030041', '20030042', '20030043', '20030044', '20030045', '20030046', '20030047', '20030048', '20030049', '20030050', '20030051', '20030052', '20030053', '20030054', '20030055', '20030056', '20030057', '20030058', '20030059', '20030060', '20030061', '20030062', '20030063', '20030064', '20030065', '20030066', '20030067', '20030068', '20030069', '20030070', '20030071', '20030072', '20030073', '20030074', '20030075', '20030076', '20030077', '20030078', '20030079', '20030080', '20030081', '20030082', '20030083', '20030084', '20030085', '20030086', '20030087', '20030088', '20030089', '20030090', '20030091', '20030092', '20030093', '20030094', '20030095', '20030096', '20030097', '20030098', '20030099', '20030100', '20030101', '20030102', '20030103', '20030104', '20030105', '20030106', '20030107', '20030108', '20030109', '20030110', '20030111', '20030112', '20030113', '20030114', '20030115', '20030116', '20030117', '20030118', '20030119', '20030120', '20030121', '20030122', '20030123', '20030124', '20030125', '20030126', '20030127', '20030134', '20030135', '20030582', '20030598', '20030872', '20040010', '20040251', '20040453', '20040456', '20040482', '20040802', '20060018', '20060140', '20060298', '20060458', '20060974', '20071024', '20090259', '20090409', '20091077', '20100081', '20100827', '20100836', '20100857', '20100863', '20100874', '20110429', '20120259']

Regular season games without RTSS data on NHL.com. Format:: YYYYNNNN where YYYY is the four digit year and NNNN the four digit game number.

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