Source code for nhlscrapi.scrapr.rtss

# for the play parser
import nhlscrapi.constants as c
from nhlscrapi._tools import to_int
from nhlscrapi.scrapr.eventparser import event_type_mapper, parse_event_desc

# base for RTSS
from nhlscrapi.scrapr.reportloader import ReportLoader

class RTSS(ReportLoader):
[docs] """Retrieve and load RTSS play by play game data""" def __init__(self, game_key): super(RTSS, self).__init__(game_key, "rtss") self.plays = [] """List of plays loaded. See :py:class:`.PlayParser` for play data structure.""" def parse(self):
[docs] """ Parse full document. Plays and matchups. :returns: ``self`` on success, ``None`` otherwise """ try: return super(RTSS, self).parse().parse_plays() except: return None def parse_plays(self):
[docs] """ Retreive and parse Play by Play data for the given :py:class:`` :returns: ``self`` on success, ``None`` otherwise """ try: self.plays = [p for p in self.parse_plays_stream()] return self except: return None def parse_plays_stream(self):
[docs] """Generate and yield a stream of parsed plays. Useful for per play processing.""" lx_doc = self.html_doc() if lx_doc is not None: parser = PlayParser(self.game_key.season) plays = lx_doc.xpath('//tr[@class = "evenColor"]') for p in plays: p_obj = parser.build_play(p) self.plays.append(p_obj) yield p_obj # will take a RTSS play table row and return a Play object class PlayParser(object):
[docs] """Interprets a single RTSS play by play table row, i.e. a single play. Constructs a dictionary of play features.""" def __init__(self, season = c.MAX_SEASON): self.season = season @staticmethod def ColMap(season):
[docs] """ Returns a dictionary mapping the type of information in the RTSS play row to the appropriate column number. The column locations pre/post 2008 are different. :param season: int for the season number :returns: mapping of RTSS column to info type :rtype: dict, keys are ``'play_num', 'per', 'str', 'time', 'event', 'desc', 'vis', 'home'`` """ if c.MIN_SEASON <= season <= c.MAX_SEASON: return { "play_num": 0, "per": 1, "str": 2, "time": 3, "event": 4, "desc": 5, "vis": 6, "home": 7 } else: raise ValueError("RTSSCol.MAP(season): Invalid season " + str(season)) def build_play(self, pbp_row):
[docs] """ Parses table row from RTSS. These are the rows tagged with ``<tr class='evenColor' ... >``. Result set contains :py:class:`` and :py:class:`` objects. Returned play data is in the form .. code:: python { 'play_num': num_of_play 'period': curr_period 'strength': strength_enum 'time': { 'min': min, 'sec': sec } 'vis_on_ice': { 'player_num': player } 'home_on_ice': { 'player_num': player } 'event': event_object } :param pbp_row: table row from RTSS :returns: play data :rtype: dict """ d = pbp_row.findall('./td') c = PlayParser.ColMap(self.season) p = { } to_dig = lambda t: int(t) if t.isdigit() else 0 p['play_num'] = to_int(d[c["play_num"]].text, 0) p['period'] = to_int(d[c["per"]].text, 0) p['strength'] = self.__strength(d[c["str"]].text) time = d[c["time"]].text.split(":") p['time'] = { "min": int(time[0]), "sec": int(time[1]) } skater_tab = d[c["vis"]].xpath("./table") p['vis_on_ice'] = self.__skaters(skater_tab[0][0]) if len(skater_tab) else { } skater_tab = d[c["home"]].xpath("./table") p['home_on_ice'] = self.__skaters(skater_tab[0][0]) if len(skater_tab) else { } p['event'] = event_type_mapper( d[c["event"]].text, period=p['period'], skater_ct=len(p['vis_on_ice']) + len(p['home_on_ice']) ) p['event'].desc = " ".join([str(t.encode('ascii', 'replace')) for t in d[c["desc"]].xpath("text()")]) parse_event_desc(p['event'], season=self.season) return p def __skaters(self, tab):
""" Constructs dictionary of players on the ice in the provided table at time of play. :param tab: RTSS table of the skaters and goalie on at the time of the play :rtype: dictionary, key = player number, value = [position, name] """ res = { } for td in tab.iterchildren(): if len(td): pl_data = td.xpath("./table/tr") pl = pl_data[0].xpath("./td/font") if pl[0].text.isdigit(): res[int(pl[0].text)] = [s.strip() for s in pl[0].get("title").split("-")][::-1] s = pl[0].get("title").split("-") pos = pl_data[1].getchildren()[0].text return res def __strength(self, sg_str): # avoids the circular import, but wreaks of code that needs refactoring from import Strength if 'PP' in sg_str: return Strength.PP elif 'SH' in sg_str: return Strength.PP else: return Strength.Even