Source code for nhlscrapi.scrapr.faceoffrep

import re

from nhlscrapi._tools import (
    exclude_from as ex_junk
from nhlscrapi.scrapr.reportloader import ReportLoader

class FaceOffRep(ReportLoader):
[docs] """Retrieve and load face-off comparison report from""" def __init__(self, game_key): super(FaceOffRep, self).__init__(game_key, 'face_offs') self.face_offs = { } """ report in dictionary format .. code:: python { home/away: { player_nums: { 'name': name, 'pos': position, 'off/def/neut/all': { 'won': won, 'total': total }, 'opps': { basically same info as above. name, pos, and zone info of opponents } } } } """ self.__vis_doc = None self.__home_doc = None def __set_team_docs(self): if self.__vis_doc is None or self.__home_doc is None: lx_doc = self.html_doc() # report banner as reference header = lx_doc.xpath("//table[@id='StdHeader']/../..")[0] header_sibs = header.xpath('following-sibling::tr') self.__vis_doc = header_sibs[1] self.__home_doc = header_sibs[3] def parse(self):
[docs] """ Retreive and parse Play by Play data for the given nhlscrapi.GameKey :returns: ``self`` on success, ``None`` otherwise """ try: return ( super(FaceOffRep, self).parse() and self.parse_home_face_offs() and self.parse_away_face_offs() ) except: return None def parse_home_face_offs(self):
[docs] """ Parse only the home faceoffs :returns: ``self`` on success, ``None`` otherwise """ self.__set_team_docs() self.face_offs['home'] = FaceOffRep.__read_team_doc(self.__home_doc) return self def parse_away_face_offs(self):
[docs] """ Parse only the away faceoffs :returns: ``self`` on success, ``None`` otherwise """ self.__set_team_docs() self.face_offs['away'] = FaceOffRep.__read_team_doc(self.__vis_doc) return self @staticmethod
def __tot_pct(res): ct = res.split('/')[0].strip() won, tot = tuple(to_int(i) for i in ct.split('-')) return { 'won': won, 'total': tot } @staticmethod def __player_fo_rec(name, pos, zone_raw): off, defz, neut, tot = tuple( FaceOffRep.__tot_pct(ri) if ord(ri[0]) < 128 else { 'won': 0, 'total': 0 } for ri in zone_raw ) return { 'name': name, 'pos': pos, 'off': off, 'def': defz, 'neut': neut, 'all': tot } @staticmethod def __read_team_doc(lx_doc): fo = { } re_opp = re_comp_num_pos_name() took_draw = lx_doc.xpath(".//td[contains(@class,'playerHeading')]/..") for cent in took_draw: # extract info of center taking the draw rec = ex_junk(cent.xpath('.//text()'), containing=['\n','\r']) num, pos, name = to_int(rec[0]), rec[1], ' '.join(ri.strip() for ri in reversed(rec[2].split(','))) fo[num] = FaceOffRep.__player_fo_rec(name, pos, rec[3:7]) fo[num]['opps'] = { } for vs in cent.xpath('following-sibling::tr'): if vs.xpath(".//td[contains(@class,'space')]"): break else: opp_rec = ex_junk(vs.xpath('.//text()'), containing=['\n','\r']) reg_res = re_opp.findall(opp_rec[2]) opp_num, opp_pos, opp_last, opp_first = reg_res[0] if reg_res else ('-1', '', '', '') opp_name = ' '.join(oi.strip() for oi in [ opp_first, opp_last ]) fo[num]['opps'][to_int(opp_num)] = FaceOffRep.__player_fo_rec(opp_name, opp_pos, opp_rec[3:7]) return fo