Welcome to newsletter’s documentation!


About newsletter is for making newsletters with python. In very early stages of development. See COPYING for LGPL licence details.
Bugs https://bitbucket.org/illume/newsletter/issues

hg clone https://bitbucket.org/illume/newsletter


Docs http://packages.python.org/newsletter/
pypi http://pypi.python.org/pypi/newsletter

Only one developer so far, maybe more if it becomes useful.

Rene Dudfield <renesd@gmail.com> is a lead developer and maintainer of pygame, and is also a Website developer, and App developer

newsletter contains a library for newsletters and a newsletterapp

Install newsletter with virtualenv and pip

This makes an isolated install for you, so it does not pollute your system packages:

virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute myvirtualpython
cd myvirtualpython
source bin/activate
pip install newsletter --pre
newsletterapp --help

Installing with virtualenv and pip is recommended.

Install newsletter with ./configure; make

This is for old school unix peoples:

./configure; make

Indices and tables