Key Transactions¶
- class newrelic_api.key_transactions.KeyTransactions(api_key=None)¶
An interface for interacting with the NewRelic key transactions API.
- __init__(api_key=None)¶
Parameters: api_key (str) – The API key. If no key is passed, the environment variable NEW_RELIC_API_KEY is used. Raises: If the api_key parameter is not present, and no environment variable is present, a newrelic_api.exceptions.ConfigurationException is raised.
- list(filter_name=None, filter_ids=None, page=None)¶
This API endpoint returns a paginated list of the key transactions associated with your New Relic account.
Key transactions can be filtered by their name or by a list of IDs.
Parameters: Return type: dict
Returns: The JSON response of the API, with an additional ‘pages’ key if there are paginated results
{ "key_transactions": [ { "id": "integer", "name": "string", "transaction_name": "string", "application_summary": { "response_time": "float", "throughput": "float", "error_rate": "float", "apdex_target": "float", "apdex_score": "float" }, "end_user_summary": { "response_time": "float", "throughput": "float", "apdex_target": "float", "apdex_score": "float" }, "links": { "application": "integer" } } ], "pages": { "last": { "url": "", "rel": "last" }, "next": { "url": "", "rel": "next" } } }
- show(id)¶
This API endpoint returns a single Key transaction, identified its ID.
Parameters: id (int) – Key transaction ID Return type: dict Returns: The JSON response of the API { "key_transaction": { "id": "integer", "name": "string", "transaction_name": "string", "application_summary": { "response_time": "float", "throughput": "float", "error_rate": "float", "apdex_target": "float", "apdex_score": "float" }, "end_user_summary": { "response_time": "float", "throughput": "float", "apdex_target": "float", "apdex_score": "float" }, "links": { "application": "integer" } } }