Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The module contains the basic network architectures

|      Network Type       |  Function  | Count of|Support train fcn| Error fcn|
|                         |            | layers  |                 |          |
| Single-layer perceptron |    newp    |    1    |   train_delta   |   SSE    |
| Multi-layer perceptron  |   newff    |  >=1    |   train_gd,     |   SSE    |
|                         |            |         |   train_gdm,    |          |
|                         |            |         |   train_gda,    |          |
|                         |            |         |   train_gdx,    |          |
|                         |            |         |   train_rprop,  |          |
|                         |            |         |   train_bfgs*,  |          |
|                         |            |         |   train_cg      |          |
|    Competitive layer    |    newc    |    1    |   train_wta,    |   SAE    |
|                         |            |         |   train_cwta*   |          |
|           LVQ           |   newlvq   |    2    |   train_lvq     |   MSE    |
|           Elman         |   newelm   |  >=1    |   train_gdx     |   MSE    |
|         Hopield         |   newhop   |    1    |       None      |   None   |
|         Hemming         |   newhem   |    2    |       None      |   None   |

.. note:: \* - default function


from .core import Net

from . import trans
from . import layer
from . import train
from . import error
from . import init
import numpy as np

[docs]def newff(minmax, size, transf=None): """ Create multilayer perceptron :Parameters: minmax: list of list, the outer list is the number of input neurons, inner lists must contain 2 elements: min and max Range of input value size: the length of list equal to the number of layers except input layer, the element of the list is the neuron number for corresponding layer Contains the number of neurons for each layer transf: list (default TanSig) List of activation function for each layer :Returns: net: Net :Example: >>> # create neural net with 2 inputs >>> # input range for each input is [-0.5, 0.5] >>> # 3 neurons for hidden layer, 1 neuron for output >>> # 2 layers including hidden layer and output layer >>> net = newff([[-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]], [3, 1]) >>> 2 >>> 1 >>> len(net.layers) 2 """ net_ci = len(minmax) net_co = size[-1] if transf is None: transf = [trans.TanSig()] * len(size) assert len(transf) == len(size) layers = [] for i, nn in enumerate(size): layer_ci = size[i - 1] if i > 0 else net_ci l = layer.Perceptron(layer_ci, nn, transf[i]) l.initf = init.initnw layers.append(l) connect = [[i - 1] for i in range(len(layers) + 1)] net = Net(minmax, net_co, layers, connect, train.train_bfgs, error.SSE()) return net
[docs]def newp(minmax, cn, transf=trans.HardLim()): """ Create one layer perceptron :Parameters: minmax: list of list, the outer list is the number of input neurons, inner lists must contain 2 elements: min and max Range of input value cn: int, number of output neurons Number of neurons transf: func (default HardLim) Activation function :Returns: net: Net :Example: >>> # create network with 2 inputs and 10 neurons >>> net = newp([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]], 10) """ ci = len(minmax) l = layer.Perceptron(ci, cn, transf) net = Net(minmax, cn, [l], [[-1], [0]], train.train_delta, error.SSE()) return net
[docs]def newc(minmax, cn): """ Create competitive layer (Kohonen network) :Parameters: minmax: list of list, the outer list is the number of input neurons, inner lists must contain 2 elements: min and max Range of input value cn: int, number of output neurons Number of neurons :Returns: net: Net :Example: >>> # create network with 2 inputs and 10 neurons >>> net = newc([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]], 10) """ ci = len(minmax) l = layer.Competitive(ci, cn) net = Net(minmax, cn, [l], [[-1], [0]], train.train_cwta, error.SAE()) return net
[docs]def newlvq(minmax, cn0, pc): """ Create a learning vector quantization (LVQ) network :Parameters: minmax: list of list, the outer list is the number of input neurons, inner lists must contain 2 elements: min and max Range of input value cn0: int Number of neurons in input layer pc: list List of percent, sum(pc) == 1 :Returns: net: Net :Example: >>> # create network with 2 inputs, >>> # 2 layers and 10 neurons in each layer >>> net = newlvq([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]], 10, [0.6, 0.4]) """ pc = np.asfarray(pc) assert sum(pc) == 1 ci = len(minmax) cn1 = len(pc) assert cn0 > cn1 layer_inp = layer.Competitive(ci, cn0) layer_out = layer.Perceptron(cn0, cn1, trans.PureLin()) layer_out.initf = None['b'].fill(0.0)['w'].fill(0.0) inx = np.floor(cn0 * pc.cumsum()) for n, i in enumerate(inx): st = 0 if n == 0 else inx[n - 1]['w'][n][st:i].fill(1.0) net = Net(minmax, cn1, [layer_inp, layer_out], [[-1], [0], [1]], train.train_lvq, error.MSE()) return net
[docs]def newelm(minmax, size, transf=None): """ Create a Elman recurrent network :Parameters: minmax: list of list, the outer list is the number of input neurons, inner lists must contain 2 elements: min and max Range of input value size: the length of list equal to the number of layers except input layer, the element of the list is the neuron number for corresponding layer Contains the number of neurons for each layer :Returns: net: Net :Example: >>> # 1 input, input range is [-1, 1], 1 output neuron, 1 layer including output layer >>> net = newelm([[-1, 1]], [1], [trans.PureLin()]) >>> net.layers[0].np['w'][:] = 1 # set weight for all input neurons to 1 >>> net.layers[0].np['b'][:] = 0 # set bias for all input neurons to 0 >>> net.sim([[1], [1] ,[1], [3]]) array([[ 1.], [ 2.], [ 3.], [ 6.]]) """ net_ci = len(minmax) net_co = size[-1] if transf is None: transf = [trans.TanSig()] * len(size) assert len(transf) == len(size) layers = [] for i, nn in enumerate(size): layer_ci = size[i - 1] if i > 0 else net_ci + size[0] l = layer.Perceptron(layer_ci, nn, transf[i]) #l.initf = init.InitRand([-0.1, 0.1], 'wb') layers.append(l) connect = [[i - 1] for i in range(len(layers) + 1)] # recurrent set connect[0] = [-1, 0] net = Net(minmax, net_co, layers, connect, train.train_gdx, error.MSE()) return net
[docs]def newhop(target, transf=None, max_init=10, delta=0): """ Create a Hopfield recurrent network :Parameters: target: array like (l x train target patterns transf: func (default HardLims) Activation function max_init: int (default 10) Maximum of recurrent iterations delta: float (default 0) Minimum difference between 2 outputs for stop recurrent cycle :Returns: net: Net :Example: >>> net = newhem([[-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1]]) >>> output = net.sim([[-1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1]]) """ target = np.asfarray(target) assert target.ndim == 2 ci = len(target[0]) if transf is None: transf = trans.HardLims() l = layer.Reccurent(ci, ci, transf, max_init, delta) w =['w'] b =['b'] # init weight for i in range(ci): for j in range(ci): if i == j: w[i, j] = 0.0 else: w[i, j] = np.sum(target[:, i] * target[:, j]) / ci b[i] = 0.0 l.initf = None minmax = transf.out_minmax if hasattr(transf, 'out_minmax') else [-1, 1] net = Net([minmax] * ci, ci, [l], [[-1], [0]], None, None) return net
[docs]def newhem(target, transf=None, max_iter=10, delta=0): """ Create a Hemming recurrent network with 2 layers :Parameters: target: array like (l x train target patterns transf: func (default SatLinPrm(0.1, 0, 10)) Activation function of input layer max_init: int (default 10) Maximum of recurrent iterations delta: float (default 0) Minimum dereference between 2 outputs for stop recurrent cycle :Returns: net: Net :Example: >>> net = newhop([[-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1]]) >>> output = net.sim([[-1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1]]) """ target = np.asfarray(target) assert target.ndim == 2 cn = target.shape[0] ci = target.shape[1] if transf is None: transf = trans.SatLinPrm(0.1, 0, 10) layer_inp = layer.Perceptron(ci, cn, transf) # init input layer layer_inp.initf = None['b'][:] = float(ci) / 2 for i, tar in enumerate(target):['w'][i][:] = tar / 2 layer_out = layer.Reccurent(cn, cn, trans.SatLinPrm(1, 0, 1e6), max_iter, delta) # init output layer layer_out.initf = None['b'][:] = 0 eps = - 1.0 / cn for i in range(cn):['w'][i][:] = [eps] * cn['w'][i][i] = 1 # create network minmax = [[-1, 1]] * ci layers = [layer_inp, layer_out] connect = [[-1], [0], [1]] net = Net(minmax, cn, layers, connect, None, None) return net