.. _tut1: .. currentmodule:: nagiosplugin Tutorial #1: 'Hello world' check ================================ In the first tutorial, we will develop `check_world`. This check will determine if the world exists. The algorithm is simple: if the world would not exist, the check would not execute. This minimalistic check consists of a :py:class:`Resource` World which models the part of the world that is interesting for the purposes of our check. Resource classes must define a :py:meth:`Resource.probe` method which returns a list of metrics. We just return a single :py:class:`Metric` object that states that the world exists. .. literalinclude:: /../src/nagiosplugin/examples/check_world.py We don't have a context to evaluate the returned metric yet, so we resort to the built-in "null" context. The "null" context does nothing with its associated metrics. We now create a :py:class:`Check` object that is fed only with the resource object. We could put context and summary objects into the :py:meth:`Check()` constructor as well. This will be demonstrated in the next tutorial. There is also no command line processing nor timeout handling nor output control. We call the :py:meth:`Check.main` method to evaluate resources, construct text output and exit with the appropriate status code. Running the plugin creates very simple output: .. code-block:: bash :linenos: $ check_world.py WORLD OK The plugin's exit status is 0, signalling success to the calling process. .. vim: set spell spelllang=en: