Source code for mysqltsv.writer

This module provides a set of utilities for writing TSV files.

.. autoclass:: mysqltsv.writer.Writer

.. autofunction:: mysqltsv.functions.write

import logging

from .util import write_row

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Writer: """ Constructs a new TSV row writer. :Parameters: f : `file` A file pointer to write rows to headers : `list`(`str`) If a list of `str` is provided, use those strings as headers. Otherwise, no headers are written. none_string : `str` A string that will be written as None when read. (Defaults to "NULL") """ def __init__(self, f, headers=None, none_string="NULL"): self.f = f self.none_string = none_string if headers != None: write_row(headers, self.f, none_string=self.none_string) self.headers = headers
[docs] def write(self, row): """ Writes a row to the output file. :Parameters: row : `list` | `dict` | :class:`~mysqltsv.row_type.AbstractRow` Datastructure representing the row to write """ write_row(row, self.f, headers=self.headers, none_string=self.none_string)