
This module implements a set of utilities for sessionizing events. When the mwsessions python package is installed, a mwsessions utility should be available from the commandline. Run mwsessions -h for more information:

mwsessions sessionize

$ mwsessions sessionize -h

Clusters events into sessions.  This script can either handle a sequence of
a single user's actions or a sequence of many user's actions.
Chronological order is critically important.

    cluster -h | --help
    cluster [<source>...] [--sessions=<path>] [--events=<path>]
            [--cutoff=<secs>] [--user=<col>...] [--timestamp=<col>]
            [--verbose] [--debug]

    -h --help         Prints this documentation
    <source>          Path to a ordered file containing timed events.
                      Multiple sources will be sequenced together.  If no
                      source is specified, <stdin> will be read.
    --sessions=<path> Path to a file to write session events
                      [default: <stdout>]
    --events=<path>   If specified, a path to a file to write annotated
    --cutoff=<secs>   A cutoff to use for session delimiting in seconds
                      [default: 3600]
    --user=<col>      If specified, then use these column as a user
                      identifier. [default: user]
    --timestamp=<col> If specified, use this column as the timestamp and
                      expect it to be sorted. [default: timestamp]
    --verbose         Print dots and stuff
    --debug           Print a bunch of logging information

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