Source code for mwdb.schema

A :class:`mwdb.Schema` represents a pool of connections to a database.  New
connections will be spawned as needed.  A :class:`mwdb.Schema`
can execite queries within the context of a :func:`mwdb.Schema.transaction` or
directly via :func:`mwdb.Schema.execute`.

.. autoclass:: mwdb.Schema
    :member-order: bysource
from contextlib import contextmanager

from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

from .errors import TableDoesNotExist

[docs]class Schema(): TABLE_MAP = { 'revision_userindex': 'revision', 'logging_logindex': 'logging', 'logging_userindex': 'logging' } """ Maps the weird view names on labs back to the table names in the production database. """ def __init__(self, engine_or_url, *args, **kwargs): """ :Parameters: engine_or_url : :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` or `str` Either a ready-made :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Engine` or a URL for an engine. *args Passed on to :func:`sqlalchemy.create_engine`. *kwargs Passed on to :func:`sqlalchemy.create_engine`. """ if isinstance(engine_or_url, Engine): self.engine = engine_or_url else: # This option disables memory buffering of result sets. By setting # it this way, we allow the user to disagree. execution_options = {'stream_results': True} execution_options.update(kwargs.get('execution_options', {})) kwargs['execution_options'] = execution_options self.engine = create_engine(engine_or_url, *args, **kwargs) self.meta = MetaData(bind=self.engine) self.meta.reflect(views=True) self.public_replica = 'revision_userindex' in self.meta """ `bool` `True` if the schema is part of a public replica with `_userindex` and `_logindex` views. """ self.Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) def __getattr__(self, table_name): if table_name in self.meta.tables: return self.meta.tables[table_name] else: if table_name in self.TABLE_MAP: return self.meta.tables[table_name] else: raise TableDoesNotExist(table_name) @contextmanager
[docs] def transaction(self): """ Provides a transactional scope around a series of operations on a :class:`sqlalchemy.Session` through the use of a ` <with statement>`_ If any exception is raised within the context of a transation session, the changes will be rolled-back. If the transactional session completes without error, the changes will committed. :Example: >>> import mwdb >>> enwiki = mwdb.Schema("mysql+pymysql://enwiki.labsdb/enwiki_p" + ... "?read_default_file=~/") >>> >>> with enwiki.transation() as session: ... print(session.query(enwiki.user) ... .filter_by(user_name="EpochFail") ... .first()) ... (6396742, b'EpochFail', b'', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, b'20080208222802', None, 4270, None) """ session = self.Session() try: yield session session.commit() except: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def execute(self, clause, params=None, **kwargs): """ Executes a a query and returns the result. :Example: >>> import mwdb >>> enwiki = mwdb.Schema("mysql+pymysql://enwiki.labsdb/enwiki_p" + ... "?read_default_file=~/") >>> >>> result = enwiki.execute("SELECT * FROM user " + ... "WHERE user_id=:user_id", ... {'user_id': 6396742}) >>> >>> print(result.fetchone()) (6396742, b'EpochFail', b'', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, b'20080208222802', None, 4270, None) :Parameters: clause : `str` The query to execute. params : `dict` | `list` ( `dict` ) A set of key/value pairs to substitute into the clause. If a list is provided, an executemany() will take place. **kwargs Passed on to :mod:`sqlalchemy` """ with self.transaction() as session: return session.execute(clause, params=params, **kwargs)