class, propagation_constant, characteristic_impedance, z0=None)

The base-class for all transmission line mediums.

The Media object provides generic methods to produce Network‘s for any transmision line medium, such as line() and delay_short().

The initializer for this class has flexible argument types. This allows for the important attributes of the Media object to be dynamic. For example, if a Media object’s propagation constant is a function of some attribute of that object, say conductor_width, then the propagation constant will change when that attribute changes. See __init__() for details.

The network creation methods build off of each other. For example, the specicial load cases, suc as short() and open() call load() with given arguments for Gamma0, and the delay_ and shunt_ functions call line() and shunt() respectively. This minimizes re-implementation.

Most methods initialize the Network by calling match() to create a ‘blank’ Network, and then fill in the s-matrix.


characteristic_impedance Characterisitc impedance
propagation_constant Propagation constant
z0 Port Impedance


__init__ The Media initializer.
capacitor Capacitor
delay_load Delayed load
delay_open Delayed open transmission line
delay_short Delayed Short
electrical_length calculates the electrical length for a given distance, at
guess_length_of_delay_short Guess physical length of a delay short.
impedance_mismatch Two-port network for an impedance miss-match
inductor Inductor
line Matched transmission line of given length
load Load of given reflection coefficient.
match Perfect matched load (\Gamma_0 = 0).
open Open (\Gamma_0 = 1)
short Short (\Gamma_0 = -1)
shunt Shunts a Network
shunt_capacitor Shunted capacitor
shunt_delay_load Shunted delayed load
shunt_delay_open Shunted delayed open
shunt_delay_short Shunted delayed short
shunt_inductor Shunted inductor
splitter Ideal, lossless n-way splitter.
tee Ideal, lossless tee.
theta_2_d Converts electrical length to physical distance.
thru Matched transmission line of length 0.
white_gaussian_polar Complex zero-mean gaussian white-noise network.

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