mathFunctions (mwavepy.mathFunctions)

Provides commonly used mathematical functions.

Complex Component Conversion

complex_2_reim(z) takes:
complex_2_magnitude(input) returns the magnitude of a complex number.
complex_2_db(input) returns the magnitude in dB of a complex number.
complex_2_radian(input) returns the angle complex number in radians.
complex_2_degree(input) returns the angle complex number in radians.
complex_2_magnitude(input) returns the magnitude of a complex number.

Phase Unwrapping

unwrap_rad(input) unwraps a phase given in radians
sqrt_phase_unwrap(input) takes the square root of a complex number with unwraped phase

Unit Conversion

np_2_db(x) converts a value in dB to neper’s
db_2_np(x) converts a value in nepers to dB

Scalar-Complex Conversion

These conversions are useful for wrapping other functions that dont support complex numbers.


Special Functions

dirac_delta(x) the dirac function.
neuman(x) neumans number
null(A[, eps]) calculates the null space of matrix A.