
Frequency.__init__(start, stop, npoints, unit='hz', sweep_type='lin')

Frequency initializer.

Creates a Frequency object from start/stop/npoints and a unit. Alternatively, the class method from_f() can be used to create a Frequency object from a frequency vector instead.

Parameters :

start : number

start frequency in units of unit

stop : number

stop frequency in units of unit

npoints : int

number of points in the band.

unit : [‘hz’,’khz’,’mhz’,’ghz’]

frequency unit of the band. This is used to create the attribute f_scaled. It is also used by the Network class for plots vs. frequency.

See also

constructs a Frequency object from a frequency vector instead of start/stop/npoints.


The attribute unit sets the property freqMultiplier, which is used to scale the frequency when f_scaled is referenced.


>>> wr1p5band = Frequency(500,750,401, 'ghz')

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