Source code for mpris2.utils

utils functions not defined in espec

import dbus, re

from .interfaces import Interfaces

def _match_players_uri(name, pattern='.+'):
        Filter logic for get_players and get_player_uri
        @param name: string name to test
        @param pattern=None:  string RegEx to test
        @return: boolean
    return \
        re.match('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2', name)\
            and re.match(pattern, name)

[docs]def get_session(): ''' @return: dbus.SessionBus.get_session() ''' return dbus.SessionBus.get_session()
[docs]def get_players_uri(pattern='.'): ''' Return string of player bus name @param pattern=None: string RegEx that filter response @return: array string of players bus name ''' for item in get_session().list_names(): if _match_players_uri(item, pattern): yield item
[docs]def get_player_id_from_uri(uri): ''' Returns player mpris2 id from uri @param uri: string mpris2 player dbus uri @return: string mrpis2 id ''' mateched = re.match(Interfaces.MEDIA_PLAYER + '\.(.+)', uri or '') return mateched.groups()[0]\ if mateched\ else ''
[docs]def get_players_id(pattern=None): ''' Return string of player mpris2 id @param pattern=None: string RegEx that filter response @return: array string of players bus name ''' for item in get_session().list_names(): if _match_players_uri(item, pattern): yield get_player_id_from_uri(item)
[docs]def get_mainloop(): try: from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) try: import gobject return gobject.MainLoop() except: pass try: import gi.repository.GLib return gi.repository.GLib.MainLoop() except: pass except: pass class PyQtMainLoop(): def __init__(self, app): = app def run(self): if hasattr(, 'exec_'): if hasattr(, 'exec'): method = getattr(, 'exec') method( try: from dbus.mainloop.qt import DBusQtMainLoop DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default=True) try: from PySide.QtGui import QApplication return PyQtMainLoop(QApplication([])) except: pass try: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication return PyQtMainLoop(QApplication([])) except: pass try: from PyQt4 import Qt return PyQtMainLoop(Qt.QApplication([])) except: pass except: pass return None
[docs]def list_interfaces(uri, path=None, bus=None): path = path or Interfaces.OBJECT_PATH import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET bus = bus or dbus.SessionBus.get_session() obj = bus.get_object(uri, path) node = ET.fromstring(obj.Introspect(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable')) for interface in node.findall('interface'): yield interface.attrib['name']
[docs]def implements(uri, interface, path=Interfaces.OBJECT_PATH, bus=None): for iface in list_interfaces(uri, path, bus): if iface == interface: return True
if __name__ == '__main__': uris = get_players_uri() if not uris: print('No running players') for uri in uris: print(uri, ':') for interface in list_interfaces(uri): print('\t', interface)