Source code for monty.pprint
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division, \
from six.moves import cStringIO
import sys
[docs]def pprint_table(table, out=sys.stdout, rstrip=False):
Prints out a table of data, padded for alignment
Each row must have the same number of columns.
table: The table to print. A list of lists.
out: Output stream (file-like object)
rstrip: if True, trailing withespaces are removed from the entries.
def max_width_col(table, col_idx):
Get the maximum width of the given column index
return max([len(row[col_idx]) for row in table])
if rstrip:
for row_idx, row in enumerate(table):
table[row_idx] = [c.rstrip() for c in row]
col_paddings = []
ncols = len(table[0])
for i in range(ncols):
col_paddings.append(max_width_col(table, i))
for row in table:
# left col
out.write(row[0].ljust(col_paddings[0] + 1))
# rest of the cols
for i in range(1, len(row)):
col = row[i].rjust(col_paddings[i] + 2)
[docs]def draw_tree(node, child_iter=lambda n: n.children, text_str=lambda n: str(n)):
node: the root of the tree to be drawn,
child_iter: function that when called with a node, returns an iterable over all its children
text_str: turns a node into the text to be displayed in the tree.
The default implementations of these two arguments retrieve the children by accessing node.children
and simply use str(node) to convert a node to a string. The resulting tree is drawn into a buffer and returned as a string.
Based on
return _draw_tree(node, '', child_iter, text_str)
def _draw_tree(node, prefix, child_iter, text_str):
buf = cStringIO()
children = list(child_iter(node))
# check if root node
if prefix:
buf.write(' +--')
for index, child in enumerate(children):
if index+1 == len(children):
sub_prefix = prefix + ' '
sub_prefix = prefix + ' |'
buf.write(_draw_tree(child, sub_prefix, child_iter, text_str))
return buf.getvalue()