Source code for mockldap

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, with_statement

from collections import defaultdict

from ldap.cidict import cidict

from .ldapobject import LDAPObject
from .recording import SeedRequired  # noqa

URI_DEFAULT = '__default__'

[docs]class MockLdap(object): """ Top-level class managing directories and patches. :param directory: Default directory contents. After calling :meth:`~mockldap.MockLdap.start`, ``mockldap[uri]`` returns an :class:`~mockldap.LDAPObject`. This is the same object that will be returned by ``ldap.initialize(uri)``, so you can use it to seed return values and discover which APIs were called. """ def __init__(self, directory=None): self.directories = {} self.ldap_objects = None self.patchers = {} if directory is not None: self.set_directory(directory) def __getitem__(self, uri): if self.ldap_objects is None: raise KeyError( "You must call start() before asking for mock LDAP objects.") return self.ldap_objects[uri]
[docs] def set_directory(self, directory, uri=URI_DEFAULT): """ Set the mock LDAP content for a given URI. :param uri: The LDAP URI to associate this content with. :type uri: string If URI is not given, this will set the default content for all unknown URIs. """ if self.ldap_objects is not None: raise Exception("You can't add a directory after calling start().") self.directories[uri] = cidict(map_keys(lambda s: s.lower(), directory))
[docs] def start(self, path='ldap.initialize'): """ Patch :func:`ldap.initialize` to return mock LDAPObject instances. This calls :func:`mock.patch`, so you must have the `mock <>`_ library installed. :param path: The module path to ``ldap.initialize``. :type path: string If the code under test looks like:: import ldap ... ldap.initialize(uri) then you can use the default value of path. If the code reads:: from ldap import initialize ... initialize(uri) then you need to call ``start('')``. See :ref:`where-to-patch` for more. """ try: from unittest.mock import patch except ImportError: from mock import patch if path in self.patchers: raise ValueError("%r is already patched." % (path,)) if self.ldap_objects is None: ldap_objects = map_values(LDAPObject, self.directories) self.ldap_objects = defaultdict(self._new_ldap_object, ldap_objects) patcher = patch(path, new_callable=lambda: self.initialize) patcher.start() self.patchers[path] = patcher
def _new_ldap_object(self): from .ldapobject import LDAPObject try: return LDAPObject(self.directories[URI_DEFAULT]) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No default mock LDAP content provided")
[docs] def stop(self, path='ldap.initialize'): """ Stop patching :func:`ldap.initialize`. Calls to :meth:`~mockldap.MockLdap.start` and :meth:`~mockldap.MockLdap.stop` must be balanced. After the final call to stop, we'll reset all :class:`~mockldap.LDAPObject` instances. """ if path not in self.patchers: raise ValueError("%r is not patched." % (path,)) self.patchers[path].stop() del self.patchers[path] if len(self.patchers) == 0: self.ldap_objects = None
[docs] def stop_all(self): """ Remove all patches and reset our state. If you called :meth:`~mockldap.MockLdap.start` multiple times, this is the easiest way to reset everything. """ for patcher in self.patchers.values(): patcher.stop() self.patchers.clear() self.ldap_objects = None
def initialize(self, uri, *args, **kwargs): ldap_object = self[uri] # For recording purposes only. ldap_object.initialize(uri, *args, **kwargs) return ldap_object # Map a dictionary by applying a function to each key/value.
map_keys = lambda f, d: dict((f(k), v) for k, v in d.items()) map_values = lambda f, d: dict((k, f(v)) for k, v in d.items())