Package Developer Interface

Metaconfig has been largely inspired by the ease of use of the logging module. When writing code it is trivially easy to enable module-specific logging using the simple recipe:

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

This defers all decisions about how logging events are handled until later and you can proceed to write code using the log object.

Metaconfig translates this recipe into a mechanism for instantly retrieving a ConfigParser.ConfigParser object specific to your module:

>>> import metaconfig
>>> config = metaconfig.get_config(__name__)

Where that ConfigParser.ConfigParser object comes from is not the immediate concern of the developer. The source can be decided at configuration time. However, get_config() will always return the same ConfigParser.ConfigParser object for any given name. If the config doesn’t exist an empty one is returned.

>>> config.sections()

In a similar way to the logging module metaconfig treats config names as a hierarchal tree of “.”-separated keys. This allows you to map config keys directly onto your package hierarchy or devise an alternative hierarchy. In the example above metaconfig will return the ConfigParser object relating to __name__

When creating nested packages you will often want to centralise your configuration at the top-level package. Therefore by default metaconfig.get_config() will traverse up the config-key tree until a config object is found:

>>> root_config = metaconfig.get_config('myroot')
>>> root_config.sections()
>>> root_config.add_section('sec1')
>>> root_config.set('sec1', 'x', '42')

>>> myconfig = metaconfig.get_config('myroot.sub1')
>>> myconfig.get('sec1', 'x')
>>> myconfig == root_config

If this is not what is desired you can force a config object for the exact key to be returned. If a config doesn’t exist under that key a new one will be created:

>>> myconfig2 = metaconfig.get_config('myroot.sub2', inherit=False)
>>> myconfig2.sections()

If you need to know exactly where your config has come from use the __config_name__ attribute:

>>> myconfig.__config_name__
>>> myconfig2.__config_name__

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Configuration Management Interface

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