Source code for meds.utils.join

# meds/utils/

    string concat functions, join strings together. 

    use j to use os.path.join

    >>> from meds.utils.join import j, mj, cj, sj, dj

    >>> l = ["a","b", "c"]
    >>> j(*l)

    use mj to join with a dot

    >>> mj(*l)

    use cj to join with a comma

    >>> cj(*l)

    sj is to join with a space

    >>> sj(*l)
    'a b c'   

    dj works to join with a underscore

    >>> dj(*l)


import os.path
import os

[docs]def j(*args): if not args: return todo = list(map(str, filter(None, args))) return os.path.join(*todo)
[docs]def mj(*args): if not args: return todo = list(map(str, filter(None, args))) return os.path.join(*todo).replace(os.sep, ".")
[docs]def cj(*args): if not args: return todo = list(map(str, filter(None, args))) return os.path.join(*todo).replace(os.sep, ",")
[docs]def sj(*args): if not args: return todo = list(map(str, filter(None, args))) return os.path.join(*todo).replace(os.sep, " ")
[docs]def dj(*args): if not args: return todo = list(map(str, filter(None, args))) return os.path.join(*todo).replace(os.sep, "_")