""" Heuristics used to query the most uncertain candidate out of the unlabelled pool. """
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import permutation
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
[docs]def random_h(X_training_candidates, **kwargs):
""" Return a random candidate.
X_training_candidates : array
The feature matrix of the potential training candidates.
best_candidate : int
The index of the best candidate (here it is random).
random_index = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(X_training_candidates)), 1, replace=False)
return random_index
[docs]def entropy_h(X_training_candidates, **kwargs):
""" Return the candidate whose prediction vector displays the greatest Shannon entropy.
X_training_candidates : array
The feature matrix of the potential training candidates.
best_candidate : int
The index of the best candidate.
# get the classifier
classifier = kwargs['classifier']
# predict probabilities
probs = classifier.predict_proba(X_training_candidates)
# comptue Shannon entropy
shannon = -np.sum(probs * np.log(probs), axis=1)
# pick the candidate with the greatest Shannon entropy
greatest_shannon = np.argmax(shannon)
return [greatest_shannon]
[docs]def margin_h(X_training_candidates, **kwargs):
""" Return the candidate with the smallest margin.
The margin is defined as the difference between the two largest values
in the prediction vector.
X_training_candidates : array
The feature matrix of the potential training candidates.
best_candidate : int
The index of the best candidate.
# get the classifier
classifier = kwargs['classifier']
# predict probabilities
probs = classifier.predict_proba(X_training_candidates)
# sort the probabilities from smallest to largest
probs = np.sort(probs, axis=1)
# compute the margin (difference between two largest values)
margins = np.abs(probs[:,-1] - probs[:,-2])
# pick the candidate with the smallest margin
smallest_margin = np.argmin(margins)
return [smallest_margin]
[docs]def qbb_margin_h(X_training_candidates, **kwargs):
""" Return the candidate with the smallest average margin.
We first use bagging to train k classifiers. The margin is then defined as
the average difference between the two largest values in the prediction vector.
X_training_candidates : array
The feature matrix of the potential training candidates.
best_candidate : int
The index of the best candidate.
# extract parameters
committee = kwargs['committee']
bag_size = kwargs['bag_size']
X_train = kwargs['X_train']
y_train = kwargs['y_train']
classes = kwargs['classes']
n_classes = len(classes)
# intialise probability matrix
probs = np.zeros((len(X_training_candidates), n_classes))
# train each member of the committee
for member in committee:
# randomly select a bag of samples
member_train_index = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(y_train)), bag_size, replace=True)
member_X_train = X_train[member_train_index]
member_y_train = y_train[member_train_index]
# train member and predict
member.fit(member_X_train, member_y_train)
prob = member.predict_proba(X_training_candidates)
# make sure all class predictions are present
prob_full = np.zeros((prob.shape[0], n_classes))
# case 1: only galaxy predictions are generated
if prob.shape[1] == 1:
prob_full[:,0] += prob
# case 2: only galaxy and star predictions are generated
if prob.shape[1] == 2:
prob_full[:,0] += prob[:,0]
prob_full[:,2] += prob[:,1]
# case 3: all class predictions are generated
prob_full += prob
# accumulate probabilities
probs += prob_full
# average out the probabilities
probs /= len(committee)
# sort the probabilities from smallest to largest
probs = np.sort(probs, axis=1)
# compute the margin (difference between two largest values)
margins = np.abs(probs[:,-1] - probs[:,-2])
# pick the candidate with the smallest margin
smallest_margin = np.argmin(margins)
return [smallest_margin]
[docs]def qbb_kl_h(X_training_candidates, **kwargs):
""" Return the candidate with the largest average KL divergence from the mean.
We first use bagging to train k classifiers. We then choose the candidate
that has the largest Kullback–Leibler divergence from the average.
X_training_candidates : array
The feature matrix of the potential training candidates.
best_candidate : int
The index of the best candidate.
# extract parameters
committee = kwargs['committee']
bag_size = kwargs['bag_size']
X_train = kwargs['X_train']
y_train = kwargs['y_train']
classes = kwargs['classes']
n_classes = len(classes)
# intialise probability matrix
avg_probs = np.zeros((len(X_training_candidates), n_classes))
probs = []
# train each member of the committee
for member in committee:
# randomly select a bag of samples
member_train_index = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(y_train)), bag_size, replace=True)
member_X_train = X_train[member_train_index]
member_y_train = y_train[member_train_index]
# train member and predict
member.fit(member_X_train, member_y_train)
prob = member.predict_proba(X_training_candidates)
# make sure all class predictions are present
prob_full = np.zeros((prob.shape[0], n_classes))
# case 1: only galaxy predictions are generated
if prob.shape[1] == 1:
prob_full[:,0] += prob
# case 2: only galaxy and star predictions are generated
if prob.shape[1] == 2:
prob_full[:,0] += prob[:,0]
prob_full[:,2] += prob[:,1]
# case 3: all class predictions are generated
prob_full += prob
# accumulate probabilities
avg_probs += probs[-1]
# average out the probabilities
avg_probs /= len(committee)
# compute the KL divergence
avg_kl = np.zeros(avg_probs.shape[0])
for p in probs:
kl = np.sum(p * np.log(p / avg_probs), axis=1)
avg_kl += kl
# average out the KL divergence
avg_kl /= len(committee)
# extract the candidate with the largest average divergence
largest_kl = np.argmax(avg_kl)
return [largest_kl]
[docs]def compute_A(X, pi, classes):
""" Compute the A matrix in the variance estimation technique.
X : array
The feature matrix.
pi : array
The probability matrix predicted by the classifier.
classes : array
The list of class names ordered lexicographically.
A : array
The A matrix as part of the variance calcucation.
n_classes = len(classes)
n_features = X.shape[1]
n_samples = X.shape[0]
width = n_classes * n_features
one_in_k = LabelBinarizer(pos_label=1, neg_label=0).fit_transform(classes)
I_same = one_in_k.repeat(n_features, axis=0)
I_same = np.tile(I_same, n_samples)
I_diff = 1 - I_same
A = np.tile(pi.flatten(), (width, 1))
B = 1 - A
C = -A
D = pi.transpose().repeat(n_features, axis=0).repeat(n_classes, axis=1)
E = X.transpose().repeat(n_classes, axis=1)
E = np.tile(E, (n_classes, 1))
G = A * B * I_same + C * D * I_diff
G = E * G
outer = np.dot(G, G.transpose())
return outer
[docs]def compute_F(X, pi, classes, C=1):
""" Compute the F matrix in the variance estimation technqiue.
X : array
The feature matrix.
pi : array
The probability matrix predicted by the classifier.
classes : array
The list of class names ordered lexicographically.
C : float
The regularisation parameter in logistic regression.
F : array
The F matrix as part of the variance calcucation.
n_classes = len(classes)
n_features = X.shape[1]
n_samples = X.shape[0]
width = n_classes * n_features
I_diag = np.eye(width)
mini_off_diag = 1 - np.eye(n_features)
mini_zeros = np.zeros((n_features, n_features * n_classes))
I_mini_off_diag = np.hstack((mini_off_diag, mini_zeros))
I_mini_off_diag = np.tile(I_mini_off_diag, n_classes - 1)
I_mini_off_diag = np.hstack((I_mini_off_diag, mini_off_diag))
I_mini_off_diag = np.hsplit(I_mini_off_diag, n_classes)
I_mini_off_diag = np.vstack(I_mini_off_diag)
I_main_off_diag = 1 - I_diag - I_mini_off_diag
M = np.tile(X.transpose(), (n_classes, 1))
N = pi.transpose().repeat(n_features, axis=0)
F_1 = np.dot(M * N * (1 - N), M.transpose()) + C
F_2 = np.dot(M * N * (1 - N), M.transpose())
F_3 = np.dot(M * N, M.transpose() * N.transpose())
F = F_1 * I_diag + F_2 * I_mini_off_diag + F_3 * I_main_off_diag
F = F / n_samples
return F
[docs]def compute_pool_variance(X, pi, classes, C=1):
""" Estimate the variance of the pool.
X : array
The feature matrix.
pi : array
The probability matrix predicted by the classifier.
classes : array
The list of class names ordered lexicographically.
C : float
The regularisation parameter in logistic regression.
variance : float
The estimated variance on the pool X.
A = compute_A(X, pi, classes)
F = compute_F(X, pi, classes, C=C)
return np.trace(np.dot(A, np.linalg.inv(F)))
[docs]def pool_variance_h(X_training_candidates, **kwargs):
""" Return the candidate that will minimise the expected variance of the predictions.
X_training_candidates : array
The feature matrix of the potential training candidates.
best_candidate : int
The index of the best candidate.
# extract parameters
classifier = kwargs['classifier']
X_train = kwargs['X_train'].copy()
y_train = kwargs['y_train'].copy()
classes = kwargs['classes']
pool_sample_size = kwargs['pool_sample_size']
C = kwargs['C']
n_candidates = X_training_candidates.shape[0]
n_features = X_training_candidates.shape[1]
n_classes = len(classes)
sigmas = np.zeros(n_candidates)
# add an extra dummy example to the training set
dummy_feature = np.zeros(n_features)
X_train = np.vstack((X_train, dummy_feature))
y_train = np.concatenate((y_train, ['None']))
# predict probabilities
probs = classifier.predict_proba(X_training_candidates)
# construct the sample pool
sample_pool_index = permutation(n_candidates)[:pool_sample_size]
sample_pool = X_training_candidates[sample_pool_index]
for i in np.arange(n_candidates):
candidate_features = X_training_candidates[i]
candidate_sigmas = np.zeros(n_classes)
X_train[-1] = candidate_features
# assume the candidate is in each of the classes
for j in np.arange(n_classes):
assumed_class = classes[j]
y_train[-1] = assumed_class
# re-train the classifier
classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
pi = classifier.predict_proba(sample_pool)
candidate_sigmas[j] = compute_pool_variance(sample_pool, pi, classes, C=C)
sigmas[i] = np.dot(probs[i], candidate_sigmas)
best_candidate = np.argmin(sigmas)
return [best_candidate]
[docs]def compute_pool_entropy(pi):
""" Estimate the variance of the pool.
pi : array
The probability matrix predicted by the classifier.
entropy : float
The estimated entropy on the pool.
return -np.sum(pi * np.log(pi))
[docs]def pool_entropy_h(X_training_candidates, **kwargs):
""" Return the candidate that will minimise the expected entropy of the predictions.
X_training_candidates : array
The feature matrix of the potential training candidates.
best_candidate : int
The index of the best candidate.
# extract parameters
classifier = kwargs['classifier']
X_train = kwargs['X_train'].copy()
y_train = kwargs['y_train'].copy()
classes = kwargs['classes']
pool_sample_size = kwargs['pool_sample_size']
n_candidates = X_training_candidates.shape[0]
n_features = X_training_candidates.shape[1]
n_classes = len(classes)
entropy = np.zeros(n_candidates)
# add an extra dummy example to the training set
dummy_feature = np.zeros(n_features)
X_train = np.vstack((X_train, dummy_feature))
y_train = np.concatenate((y_train, ['None']))
# predict probabilities
probs = classifier.predict_proba(X_training_candidates)
# construct the sample pool
sample_pool_index = permutation(n_candidates)[:pool_sample_size]
sample_pool = X_training_candidates[sample_pool_index]
for i in np.arange(n_candidates):
candidate_features = X_training_candidates[i]
candidate_entropy = np.zeros(n_classes)
X_train[-1] = candidate_features
# assume the candidate is in each of the classes
for j in np.arange(n_classes):
assumed_class = classes[j]
y_train[-1] = assumed_class
# re-train the classifier
classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
pi = classifier.predict_proba(sample_pool)
candidate_entropy[j] = compute_pool_entropy(pi)
entropy[i] = np.dot(probs[i], candidate_entropy)
best_candidate = np.argmin(entropy)
return [best_candidate]