====== Manuel ====== Manuel lets you mix and match traditional doctests with custom test syntax. Several plug-ins are included that provide new test syntax (see :ref:`functionality`). You can also create your own plug-ins. For example, if you've ever wanted to include a large chunk of Python in a doctest but were irritated by all the ">>>" and "..." prompts required, you'd like the :mod:`manuel.codeblock` module. It lets you execute code using Sphinx-style ".. code-block:: python" directives. The markup looks like this:: .. code-block:: python import foo def my_func(bar): return foo.baz(bar) Incidentally, the implementation of :mod:`manuel.codeblock` is only 23 lines of code. The plug-ins included in Manuel make good examples while being quite useful in their own right. The Manuel documentation makes extensive use of them as well. Follow the "Show Source" link to the left to see the `reST `_ source of this document. For a large example of creating test syntax, take a look at the :ref:`fit-table-example` or for all the details, :ref:`theory-of-operation`. To see how to get Manuel wired up see :ref:`getting-started`. .. contents:: .. reset-globs .. _functionality: Included Functionality ====================== Manuel includes several plug-ins out of the box: :ref:`manuel.capture ` stores regions of a document in variables for later processing :ref:`manuel.codeblock ` executes code in ".. code-block:: python" blocks :ref:`manuel.doctest ` provides traditional doctest processing as a Manuel plug-in :ref:`manuel.footnote ` executes code in reST-style footnodes each time they're referenced (good for getting incidental code out of the main flow of a document) :ref:`manuel.ignore ` ignores parts of a document while running tests :ref:`manuel.isolation ` makes it easier to have test isolation in doctests :ref:`manuel.testcase ` identify parts of tests as individual test cases so they can be run independently .. reset-globs .. _getting-started: Getting Started =============== The plug-ins used for a test are composed together using the "+" operator. Let's say you wanted a test that used doctest syntax as well as footnotes. You would create a Manuel instance to use like this: .. code-block:: python import manuel.doctest import manuel.footnote m = manuel.doctest.Manuel() m += manuel.footnote.Manuel() You would then pass the Manuel instance to a :class:`manuel.testing.TestSuite`, including the names of documents you want to process: .. ignore-next-block .. code-block:: python manuel.testing.TestSuite(m, 'test-one.txt', 'test-two.txt') Using unittest -------------- The simplest way to get started with Manuel is to use :mod:`unittest` to run your tests: .. code-block:: python import manuel.codeblock import manuel.doctest import manuel.testing import unittest def test_suite(): m = manuel.doctest.Manuel() m += manuel.codeblock.Manuel() return manuel.testing.TestSuite(m, 'test-one.txt', 'test-two.txt') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite()) Using zope.testing ------------------ If you want to use a more featureful test runner you can use zope.testing's test runner (usable stand-alone -- it isn't dependent on the Zope application server). Create a file named :file:`tests.py` with a :func:`test_suite` function that returns a test suite. The suite can be either a :class:`manuel.testing.TestSuite` object or a :class:`unittest.TestSuite` as demonstrated below. .. code-block:: python import manuel.codeblock import manuel.doctest import manuel.testing def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() # here you add your other tests to the suite... # now you can add the Manuel tests m = manuel.doctest.Manuel() m += manuel.codeblock.Manuel() suite.addTest(manuel.testing.TestSuite(m, 'test-one.txt', 'test-two.txt')) return suite Others ------ If you know out how to make Manuel work with other test runners (nose, py.test, etc.), please `send me an email`_ and I'll expand this section. .. _send me an email: benji+manuel@benjiyork.com Customizing the TestCase class ------------------------------ Manuel has its own :class:`manuel.testing.TestClass` class that :class:`manuel.testing.TestSuite` uses. If you want to customize it, you can pass in your own class to `TestSuite`. .. code-block:: python import os.path import manuel.testing class StripDirsTestCase(manuel.testing.TestCase): def shortDescription(self): return os.path.basename(str(self)) suite = manuel.testing.TestSuite( m, path_to_test, TestCase=StripDirsTestCase) >>> list(suite)[0].shortDescription() 'bugs.txt' .. reset-globs .. _doctest: Doctests ======== Manuel is all about making testable documents and well-documented tests. Of course, Python's doctest module is a long-standing fixture in that space, so it only makes sense for Manuel to support doctest syntax. Handling doctests is easy: .. ignore-next-block .. code-block:: python import manuel.doctest m = manuel.doctest.Manuel() suite = manuel.testing.TestSuite(m, 'my-doctest.txt') Of course you can mix in other Manuel syntax plug-ins as well (including ones you write yourself). .. ignore-next-block .. code-block:: python import manuel.doctest import manuel.codeblock m = manuel.doctest.Manuel() m += manuel.codeblock.Manuel() suite = manuel.testing.TestSuite(m, 'my-doctest-with-code-blocks.txt') The :class:`manuel.doctest.Manuel` constructor also takes :data:`optionflags` and :data:`checker` arguments. .. ignore-next-block .. code-block:: python m = manuel.doctest.Manuel(optionflags=optionflags, checker=checker) See the `doctest documentation `_ for more information about the `available options `_ and `output checkers `_ .. note:: :mod:`zope.testing.renormalizing` provides an :class:`OutputChecker` for smoothing out differences between actual and expected output for things that are hard to control (like memory addresses and time). See the `module's doctests `_ for more information on how it works. Here's a short example that smoothes over the differences between CPython's and PyPy's NameError messages: .. code-block:: python import re import zope.testing.renormalizing checker = zope.testing.renormalizing.RENormalizing([ (re.compile(r"NameError: global name '([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)' is not defined"), r"NameError: name '\1' is not defined"), ]) .. reset-globs .. _capture: Capturing Blocks ================ When writing documentation the need often arises to describe the contents of files or other non-Python information. You may also want to put that information under test. :mod:`manuel.capture` helps with that. For example, if you were writing the problems for a programming contest, you might want to describe the input and output files for each challenge, but you want to be sure that your examples are correct. To do that you might write your document like this: :: Challenge 1 =========== Write a program that sorts the numbers in a file. Example ------- Given this example input file:: 6 1 8 20 11 65 2 .. -> input Your program should generate this output file:: 1 2 6 8 11 20 65 .. -> output >>> input_lines = input.splitlines() >>> correct = '\n'.join(map(str, sorted(map(int, input_lines)))) + '\n' >>> output == correct True .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> import manuel.capture >>> m = manuel.capture.Manuel() >>> import manuel.doctest >>> m += manuel.doctest.Manuel() >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) This uses the syntax implemented in :mod:`manuel.capture` to capture a block of text into a variable (the one named after "->"). Whenever a line of the structure ".. -> VAR" is detected, the text of the *previous* block will be stored in the given variable. .. the paragraph below could be phrased better Of course, lines that start with ".. " are reST comments, so when the document is rendered with docutils or Sphinx, the tests will dissapear and only the intended document contents will remain. Like so:: Challenge 1 =========== Write a program that sorts the numbers in a file. Example ------- Given this example input file:: 6 1 8 20 11 65 2 Your program should generate this output file:: 1 2 6 8 11 20 65 .. reset-globs .. _code-blocks: Code Blocks =========== `Sphinx `_ and other docutils `extensions `_ provide a `"code-block" directive `_, which allows inlined snippets of code in reST documents. The :mod:`manuel.codeblock` module provides the ability to execute the contents of Python code-blocks. For example:: .. code-block:: python print('hello') .. Let's create a reST document with a code block. >>> import manuel.codeblock >>> document = manuel.Document(""" ... Here is a code-block: ... ... .. code-block:: python ... ... x = 'hello' ... ... A little prose to separate the examples. ... ... >>> print(x) ... hello ... ... """) .. Since the above document mixes code-blocks and doctests, we'll mix in the doctest handler. >>> import manuel.doctest >>> m = manuel.codeblock.Manuel() >>> m += manuel.doctest.Manuel() >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) Both code blocks were found (for a total of five regions -- text, block, text, block, and text): >>> len(list(document)) 5 We can see that none of the tests in the document failed: >>> print(document.formatted()) If the code-block generates some sort of error... .. code-block:: python .. code-block:: python print(does_not_exist) .. -> source >>> document = manuel.Document(source, location='fake.txt') .. the document above was specially formulated to have nothing before or after the code-block >>> document.source.startswith('.. code-block') True >>> document.source.endswith('print(does_not_exist)\n') True ...that error will be reported: >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NameError: name 'does_not_exist' is not defined If you find that you want to include a code-block in a document but don't want Manuel to execute it, use :ref:`manuel.ignore ` to ignore that particular block. .. reset-globs Docutils Code Blocks -------------------- Sphinx and docutils have different ideas of how code blocks should be spelled. Manuel supports the docutils-style code blocks too. :: .. code:: python a = 1 .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> import manuel.codeblock >>> m = manuel.codeblock.Manuel() >>> document.parse_with(m) >>> for region in document: ... print((region.lineno, region.parsed or region.source)) (1, ) Docutils options after the opening of the code block are also allowed:: .. code:: python :class: hidden a = 1 .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> import manuel.codeblock >>> m = manuel.codeblock.Manuel() >>> document.parse_with(m) >>> for region in document: ... print((region.lineno, region.parsed, region.parsed.source)) (1, , '\na = 1\n') Invisible Code Blocks --------------------- At times you'll want to have a block of code that is executed but not displayed in the rendered document (like some setup for later examples). When using doctest's native format (">>>") that's easy to do, you just put the code in a reST comment, like so: :: .. this is some setup, it is hidden in a reST comment >>> a = 5 >>> b = a + 3 However, if you want to include a relatively large chunk of Python, you'd rather use a code-block, but that means that it will be included in the rendered document. Instead, :mod:`manuel.codeblock` also understands a variant of the code-block directive that is actually a reST comment: ".. invisible-code-block:: python":: .. invisible-code-block:: python a = 5 b = a + 3 .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) .. note:: The "invisible-code-block" directive will work with either one or two colons. The reason is that reST processers (like docutils and Sphinx) will generate an error for unrecognized directives (like invisible-code-block). Therefore you can use a single colon and the line will be interpreted as a comment instead. .. the single-colon variant works too >>> document = manuel.Document(""" ... ... .. invisible-code-block: python ... ... raise RuntimeError('it worked!') ... ... """) >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: it worked! .. reset-globs .. _footnotes: Footnotes ========= The :mod:`manuel.footnote` module provides an implementation of reST footnote handling, but instead of just plain text, the footnotes can contain any syntax Manuel can interpret including doctests. >>> import manuel.footnote >>> m = manuel.footnote.Manuel() Here's an example of combining footnotes with doctests: .. so we also need the doctest Manuel plug-in >>> import manuel.doctest >>> m += manuel.doctest.Manuel() :: Here we reference a footnote. [1]_ >>> x 42 Here we reference another. [2]_ >>> x 100 .. [1] This is a test footnote definition. >>> x = 42 .. [2] This is another test footnote definition. >>> x = 100 .. [3] This is a footnote that will never be executed. >>> raise RuntimeError('nooooo!') .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) .. The order of examples in footnotes is preserved. If not, the document below would generate an error because "a" won't be defined when "b = a + 1" is evaluated. >>> document = manuel.Document(""" ... Here we want some imports to be done. [foo]_ ... ... >>> a + b ... 3 ... ... A little prose to separate the examples. ... ... .. [foo] Do something ... ... >>> a = 1 ... ... >>> b = a + 1 ... ... """) >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) It is also possible to reference more than one footnote on a single line. :: This line has several footnotes on it. [1]_ [2]_ [3]_ >>> z 105 A little prose to separate the examples. .. [1] Do something >>> w = 3 .. [2] Do something >>> x = 5 .. [3] Do something >>> y = 7 >>> z = w * x * y .. -> source2 >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) .. reset-globs .. _ignore: Ignoring Blocks =============== .. reset-globs Occasionally the need arises to ignore a block of markup that would otherwise be parsed by a Manuel plug-in. For example, this document has a code-block that will generate a syntax error:: The following is invalid Python. .. code-block:: python def foo: pass .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> import manuel.codeblock >>> m = manuel.codeblock.Manuel() We can see that when executed, the SyntaxError escapes. >>> import manuel.codeblock >>> m = manuel.codeblock.Manuel() >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... File ":4", line 2 def foo: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax The :mod:`manuel.ignore` module provides a way to ignore parts of a document using a directive ".. ignore-next-block". Because Manuel plug-ins are executed in the order they are accumulated, we want :mod:`manuel.ignore` to be the base Manuel object, with any additional plug-ins added to it. .. code-block:: python import manuel.ignore import manuel.doctest m = manuel.ignore.Manuel() m += manuel.codeblock.Manuel() m += manuel.doctest.Manuel() If we add an ignore marker to the block we don't want processed... .. code-block:: python The following is invalid Python. .. ignore-next-block .. code-block:: python def foo: pass .. -> source >>> document = manuel.Document(source) ...the error goes away. >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) Ignoring Literal Blocks ----------------------- Ignoring literal blocks is a little more involved:: Here is some invalid Python: .. ignore-next-block :: >>> lambda: x=1 .. -> source >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) .. we want to be very sure that the above example without the ignore actually generates an error: >>> document = manuel.Document(document.source.replace( ... '.. ignore-next-block', '')) >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) File ""... Exception raised: ... SyntaxError: ... .. reset-globs .. _isolation: Test Isolation ============== One of the advantages of unittest over doctest is that the individual tests are isolated from one-another. In large doctests (like this one) you may want to keep later tests from depending on incidental details of earlier tests, preventing the tests from becoming brittle and harder to change. Test isolation is one approach to reducing this intra-doctest coupling. The :mod:`manuel.isolation` module provides a plug-in to help. The ".. reset-globs" directive resets the globals in the test:: We define a variable. >>> x = 'hello' It is still defined. >>> print(x) hello Now we can reset the globals... .. reset-globs ...and the name binding will be gone: >>> print(x) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NameError: name 'x' is not defined .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> import manuel.isolation >>> import manuel.doctest >>> m = manuel.isolation.Manuel() >>> m += manuel.doctest.Manuel(checker=checker) We can see that after the globals have been reset, the second "print(x)" line raises an error. Of course, resetting to an empty set of global variables isn't always what's wanted. In that case there is a ".. capture-globs" directive that saves a baseline set of globals that will be restored at each reset. :: We define a variable. >>> x = 'hello' It is still defined. >>> print(x) hello We can capture the currently defined globals: .. capture-globs Of course capturing the globals doesn't disturb them. >>> print(x) hello Now if we define a new global... >>> y = 'goodbye' >>> print(y) goodbye .. reset-globs ...it will disappear after a reset. >>> print(y) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NameError: name 'y' is not defined But the captured globals will still be defined. >>> print(x) hello .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) .. reset-globs .. _testcase: Identifying Test Cases ====================== If you want parts of a document to be individually accessible as test cases (to be able to run just a particular subset of them, for example), a parser can create a region that marks the beginning of a new test case. Two ways of identifying test cases are included in :mod:`manuel.testcase`: 1. by section headings 2. by explicit ".. test-case: NAME" markers. Grouping Tests by Heading ------------------------- :: First Section ============= Some prose. >>> print('first test case') Some more prose. >>> print('still in the first test case') Second Section ============== Even more prose. >>> print('second test case') .. -> source >>> import manuel >>> import manuel.testcase >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> m = manuel.testcase.SectionManuel() >>> m += manuel.doctest.Manuel() >>> document.process_with(m, globs={}) >>> print(document.formatted()) File ""... Failed example: print('first test case') Expected nothing Got: first test case File ""... Failed example: print('still in the first test case') Expected nothing Got: still in the first test case File ""... Failed example: print('second test case') Expected nothing Got: second test case .. now lets see if the regions are grouped as we expect >>> import manuel.testing >>> for regions in manuel.testing.group_regions_by_test_case(document): ... print((regions.location, regions.id)) ('', None) ('', 'First Section') ('', 'Second Section') Given the above document, if you're using zope.testing's testrunner (located in bin/test), you could run just the tests in the second section with this command:: bin/test -t "file-name.txt:Second Section" Or, exploiting the fact that -t does a regex search (as opposed to a match):: bin/test -t file-name.txt:Second Grouping Tests Explicitly ------------------------- If you would like to identify test cases separately from sections, you can identify them with a marker:: First Section ============= The following test will be in a test case that is not individually identifiable. >>> print('first test case (unidentified)') Some more prose. .. test-case: first-named-test-case >>> print('first identified test case') Second Section ============== The test case markers don't have to immediately proceed a test. .. test-case: second-named-test-case Even more prose. >>> print('second identified test case') .. -> source >>> document = manuel.Document(source) >>> m = manuel.testcase.MarkerManuel() >>> m += manuel.doctest.Manuel() >>> document.parse_with(m) >>> import six >>> for regions in manuel.testing.group_regions_by_test_case(document): ... six.print_(regions.location, regions.id) None first-named-test-case second-named-test-case Again, given the above document and zope.testing, you could run just the second set of tests with this command:: bin/test -t file-name.txt:second-named-test-case Or, exploiting the fact that -t does a regex search again:: bin/test -t file-name.txt:second Even though the tests are individually accessable doesn't mean that they can't all be run at the same time:: bin/test -t file-name.txt Also, if you create a hierarchy of names, you can run groups of tests at a time. For example, lets say that you append "-important" to all your really important tests, you could then run the important tests for a single document like so:: bin/test -t 'file-name.txt:.*-important$' or all the "important" tests no matter what file they are in:: bin/test -t '-important$' Both Methods ------------ You can also combine more than one test case identification method if you want. Here's an example of building a Manuel stack that has doctests and both flavors of test case identification: .. code-block:: python import manuel.doctest import manuel.testcase m = manuel.doctest.Manuel() m += manuel.testcase.SectionManuel() m += manuel.testcase.MarkerManuel() .. make sure above finds all the test cases appropriately >>> document.parse_with(m) >>> import six >>> for regions in manuel.testing.group_regions_by_test_case(document): ... six.print_(regions.location, regions.id) None First Section first-named-test-case Second Section second-named-test-case Further Reading =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 README.txt table-example.txt bugs.txt