
Rules are applied to each message as part of a rule chain. Individual rules simply return a boolean specifying whether the rule matches or not. Chain links determine what happens when a rule matches.

All rules

Rules are maintained in the configuration object as a dictionary mapping rule names to rule objects.

>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
>>> from mailman.interfaces.rules import IRule
>>> for rule_name in sorted(config.rules):
...     rule = config.rules[rule_name]
...     print(rule_name, verifyObject(IRule, rule))
administrivia True
any True
approved True
emergency True
implicit-dest True
loop True
max-recipients True
max-size True
member-moderation True
news-moderation True
no-subject True
nonmember-moderation True
suspicious-header True
truth True

You can get a rule by name.

>>> rule = config.rules['emergency']
>>> verifyObject(IRule, rule)

Rule checks

Individual rules can be checked to see if they match, by running the rule’s check() method. This returns a boolean indicating whether the rule was matched or not.

>>> mlist = create_list('')
>>> msg = message_from_string("""\
... From:
... An important message.
... """)

For example, the emergency rule just checks to see if the emergency flag is set on the mailing list, and the message has not been pre-approved by the list administrator.

>>> print(
>>> mlist.emergency = False
>>> rule.check(mlist, msg, {})
>>> mlist.emergency = True
>>> rule.check(mlist, msg, {})
>>> rule.check(mlist, msg, dict(moderator_approved=True))

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