
When a user wants to join a mailing list, they must register and verify their email address. Then depending on how the mailing list is configured, they may need to confirm their subscription and have it approved by the list moderator. The IRegistrar interface manages this work flow.

>>> from mailman.interfaces.registrar import IRegistrar

Registrars adapt mailing lists.

>>> from mailman.interfaces.mailinglist import SubscriptionPolicy
>>> mlist = create_list('')
>>> mlist.send_welcome_message = False
>>> mlist.subscription_policy =
>>> registrar = IRegistrar(mlist)

Usually, addresses are registered, but users with preferred addresses can be registered too.

>>> from mailman.interfaces.usermanager import IUserManager
>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> anne = getUtility(IUserManager).create_address(
...     '', 'Anne Person')

Register an email address

When the registration steps involve confirmation or moderator approval, the process will pause until these steps are completed. A unique token is created which represents this work flow.

Anne attempts to join the mailing list.

>>> token, token_owner, member = registrar.register(anne)

Because her email address has not yet been verified, she has not yet become a member of the mailing list.

>>> print(member)
>>> print(mlist.members.get_member(''))

Once she verifies her email address, she will become a member of the mailing list. In this case, verifying implies that she also confirms her wish to join the mailing list.

>>> token, token_owner, member = registrar.confirm(token)
>>> member
<Member: Anne Person <> on
    as MemberRole.member>
>>> mlist.members.get_member('')
<Member: Anne Person <> on
    as MemberRole.member>

Register a user

Users can also register, but they must have a preferred address. The mailing list will deliver messages to this preferred address.

>>> bart = getUtility(IUserManager).make_user(
...     '', 'Bart Person')

Bart verifies his address and makes it his preferred address.

>>> from mailman.utilities.datetime import now
>>> preferred = list(bart.addresses)[0]
>>> preferred.verified_on = now()
>>> bart.preferred_address = preferred

The mailing list’s subscription policy does not require Bart to confirm his subscription, but the moderate does want to approve all subscriptions.

>>> mlist.subscription_policy = SubscriptionPolicy.moderate

Now when Bart registers as a user for the mailing list, a token will still be generated, but this is only used by the moderator. At first, Bart is not subscribed to the mailing list.

>>> token, token_owner, member = registrar.register(bart)
>>> print(member)
>>> print(mlist.members.get_member(''))

When the moderator confirms Bart’s subscription, he joins the mailing list.

>>> token, token_owner, member = registrar.confirm(token)
>>> member
<Member: Bart Person <> on
    as MemberRole.member>
>>> mlist.members.get_member('')
<Member: Bart Person <> on
    as MemberRole.member>

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