Mailing list addresses

Every mailing list has a number of addresses which are publicly available. These are defined in the IMailingListAddresses interface.

>>> mlist = create_list('')

The posting address is where people send messages to be posted to the mailing list. This is exactly the same as the fully qualified list name.

>>> print(mlist.fqdn_listname)
>>> print(mlist.posting_address)

Messages to the mailing list’s no reply address always get discarded without prejudice.

>>> print(mlist.no_reply_address)

The mailing list’s owner address reaches the human moderators.

>>> print(mlist.owner_address)

The request address goes to the list’s email command robot.

>>> print(mlist.request_address)

The bounces address accepts and processes all potential bounces.

>>> print(mlist.bounces_address)

The join (a.k.a. subscribe) address is where someone can email to get added to the mailing list. The subscribe alias is a synonym for join, but it’s deprecated.

>>> print(mlist.join_address)
>>> print(mlist.subscribe_address)

The leave (a.k.a. unsubscribe) address is where someone can email to get added to the mailing list. The unsubscribe alias is a synonym for leave, but it’s deprecated.

>>> print(mlist.leave_address)
>>> print(mlist.unsubscribe_address)

Email confirmations

Email confirmation messages are sent when actions such as subscriptions need to be confirmed. It requires that a cookie be provided, which will be included in the local part of the email address. The exact format of this is dependent on the verp_confirm_format configuration variable.

>>> print(mlist.confirm_address('cookie'))
>>> print(mlist.confirm_address('wookie'))

>>> config.push('test config', """
... [mta]
... verp_confirm_format: $address---$cookie
... """)
>>> print(mlist.confirm_address('cookie'))
>>> config.pop('test config')

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