.. highlight:: rest :mod:`lunar.sphinx.ext.epydoc` -- Epydoc crossreferences ======================================================== .. module:: lunar.sphinx.ext.epydoc :synopsis: Cross-reference epydoc documentation This extension cross-references API documentation generated by epydoc_. It works with the standard roles of the Python domain. Use the following configuration value to activate the cross-referencing: .. confval:: epydoc_mapping A dictionary mapping URIs to a list of regular expression. Each key of this dictionary is a base url of an epydoc-generated documentation. Each value is a list of regular expressions, the reference target must match (see :func:`re.match`) to be cross-referenced with the base url. For instance, assume this value was set to the following: .. code-block:: python epydoc_mapping = { 'http://paludis.pioto.org/api/python/': [r'paludis\.'], } Then the following cross-reference would link to the documentation of the `paludis.PackageID`_ class:: This is a cross-reference to the :class:`paludis.PackageID` .. _epydoc: http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/ .. _`paludis.PackageID`: http://paludis.pioto.org/api/python/paludis.PackageID-class.html