.. changes: Changes ======= 3.3.0 to 4.0.0 -------------- The 4.0.0 release includes several backwards incompatible changes, that affect external scripts that access Logya attibutes, as well as RSS and index templates. * Removed server.log file, log to default stream instead. * Added option to trim whitespace in templates. * Set canonical meta tag for index pages. * Converted allowed_exts from tuple to set. * Enable attr_list, def_list and fenced_code markdown extensions. * Enable break and continue in templates. * Better error message when reading files fails * Added encode_content function in writer module. * Renamed docs_parsed to docs. * Enable configuration of index templates. * Restructured site configuration. * Renamed indexes to index/docs/collections. * Removed all_vars and doc_vars from Template. * Removed Config class, the config module now consits of load and search_dict_list functions. * More structured data markup in starter site. * More comprehensive and updated documentation. * Removed run command, import Logya in custom scripts instead. * Removed automatic execution of scripts in bin directory. * Renamed logya.dir_current to logya.dir_site. * Renamed logya.dir_dst to logya.dir_deploy. * Removed FileWriter class entirely. * Moved canonical_filename to path module. * Set feed limit in rss template so user can set this to a preferred value. * Updated dependecies. 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 -------------- * More pythonic and readable code. * Use tox for running tests against different python versions. * Issue #58: header attribute url is now optional and will be set from file name if not present. * Added path module and tests for it. * Made logya run Python3 compatible. * Fixed #52: Removed ext and test.py and code that referenced them. * Fixed #48: Use .htaccess from HTML5 Boilerplate. * New style string formatting. * Added tests for docparser and docreader modules. * More appropriate function names. * Use fontawesome icons for reddit and stumbleupon. * Fixed #39: added sample video macro. * Updated bootstrap. * Better documentation of filesource template function. * Write count of generated documents and indexes in verbose mode of generate command, not individual index file names. * Added default robots.txt to starter site. * Added datePublished and dateModified schema markup to post and postinfo templates. 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 -------------- * Updated bootstrap, jquery and fontawesome. * Use updated property for lastmod in xml sitemap. * Added postinfo template and sample post that displays it. * Added author setting to site.yaml. * Added updated property to document header, if not set by author. 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 -------------- * Allow for non-existing body so a doc can only consist of header values. 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 -------------- * Use yaml's CLoader if available. For complex data structures performance gains are huge. * Added run command. 3.0 to 3.1.0 ------------ * Added get_doc template function. 2.3 to 3.0 ---------- Logya version 3.0 is not backwards compatible due to changed configuration. * YAML based site configuration. * Python 3 compatibility. * RSS is generated using template that is now included from create command.