Unit testing

When developing unit tests, you may find the TestHandler and Matcher classes useful.

Typical usage:

import logging
from logutils.testing import TestHandler, Matcher
import unittest

class LoggingTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.handler = h = TestHandler(Matcher())
        self.logger = l = logging.getLogger()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_simple(self):
        "Simple test of logging test harness."
        # Just as a demo, let's log some messages.
        # Only one should show up in the log.
        self.logger.debug("This won't show up.")
        self.logger.info("Neither will this.")
        self.logger.warning("But this will.")
        h = self.handler

    def test_partial(self):
        "Test of partial matching in logging test harness."
        # Just as a demo, let's log some messages.
        # Only one should show up in the log.
        self.logger.debug("This won't show up.")
        self.logger.info("Neither will this.")
        self.logger.warning("But this will.")
        h = self.handler
        self.assertTrue(h.matches(msg="ut th")) # from "But this will"
        self.assertTrue(h.matches(message="ut th")) # from "But this will"

    def test_multiple(self):
        "Test of matching multiple values in logging test harness."
        # Just as a demo, let's log some messages.
        # Only one should show up in the log.
        self.logger.debug("This won't show up.")
        self.logger.info("Neither will this.")
        self.logger.warning("But this will.")
        self.logger.error("And so will this.")
        h = self.handler
                                  message='ut thi'))
                                  message='nd so wi'))
class logutils.testing.Matcher

This utility class matches a stored dictionary of logging.LogRecord attributes with keyword arguments passed to its matches() method.

match_value(k, dv, v)

Try to match a single stored value (dv) with a supplied value (v).

Return True if found, else False.

  • k – The key value (LogRecord attribute name).
  • dv – The stored value to match against.
  • v – The value to compare with the stored value.
matches(d, **kwargs)

Try to match a single dict with the supplied arguments.

Keys whose values are strings and which are in self._partial_matches will be checked for partial (i.e. substring) matches. You can extend this scheme to (for example) do regular expression matching, etc.

Return True if found, else False.

Parameters:kwargs – A set of keyword arguments whose names are LogRecord attributes and whose values are what you want to match in a stored LogRecord.
class logutils.testing.TestHandler(matcher)

This handler collects records in a buffer for later inspection by your unit test code.

Parameters:matcher – The Matcher instance to use for matching.

The number of records in the buffer.


Saves the __dict__ of the record in the buffer attribute, and the formatted records in the formatted attribute.

Parameters:record – The record to emit.

Clears out the buffer and formatted attributes.


Accept a list of keyword argument values and ensure that the handler’s buffer of stored records matches the list one-for-one.

Return True if exactly matched, else False.

Parameters:kwarglist – A list of keyword-argument dictionaries, each of which will be passed to matches() with the corresponding record from the buffer.

Look for a saved dict whose keys/values match the supplied arguments.

Return True if found, else False.

Parameters:kwargs – A set of keyword arguments whose names are LogRecord attributes and whose values are what you want to match in a stored LogRecord.

Should the buffer be flushed?

This returns False - you’ll need to flush manually, usually after your unit test code checks the buffer contents against your expectations.