Further Examples and Use Cases¶
This chapter collects several longer examples that demonstrate techniques and not just individual features of log_calls.
Using enabled
as a level of verbosity¶
Sometimes it’s desirable for a function to print or log debugging messages
as it executes. It’s the oldest form of debugging! The enabled
is in fact an int
, not just a bool
. Instead of giving it a simple bool
value, you can use a nonnegative int
and treat it as a verbosity level:
>>> @log_calls(enabled='debuglevel')
... def do_stuff_with_commentary(*args, debuglevel=0):
... if debuglevel >= DEBUG_MSG_VERBOSE:
... print("*** extra debugging info ***")
No output:
>>> do_stuff_with_commentary()
Only log_calls output:
>>> do_stuff_with_commentary(debuglevel=DEBUG_MSG_BASIC)
do_stuff_with_commentary <== called by <module>
arguments: debuglevel=1
do_stuff_with_commentary ==> returning to <module>
log_calls output plus the function’s debugging reportage:
>>> do_stuff_with_commentary(debuglevel=DEBUG_MSG_VERBOSE)
do_stuff_with_commentary <== called by <module>
arguments: debuglevel=2
*** extra debugging info ***
do_stuff_with_commentary ==> returning to <module>
The metaclass example later in this chapter also uses this technique, and writes its messages with the log_calls.print() method.
Indentation and call numbers with recursion¶
Setting log_call_numbers
to true is especially useful in with recursive, mutually recursive
and reentrant callables. In this example, the function depth
computes the depth of a dictionary
(a non-dict has depth = 0, and a dict has depth = 1 + the max of the depths of its values):
>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> @log_calls(log_call_numbers=True, log_retval=True)
>>> def depth(d, key=None):
... """Middle line (elif) is needed only because
... max(empty_sequence) raises ValueError
... (whereas returning 0 would be sensible and even expected)
... """
... if not isinstance(d, dict): return 0 # base case
... elif not d: return 1
... else: return max(map(depth, d.values(), d.keys())) + 1
Now we call depth
with a nested OrderedDict
>>> depth(
... OrderedDict(
... (('a', 0),
... ('b', OrderedDict( (('c1', 10), ('c2', 11)) )),
... ('c', 'text'))
... )
... )
depth [1] <== called by <module>
arguments: d=OrderedDict([('a', 0), ('b', OrderedDict([('c1', 10), ('c2', 11)])), ('c', 'text')])
defaults: key=None
depth [2] <== called by depth [1]
arguments: d=0, key='a'
depth [2] return value: 0
depth [2] ==> returning to depth [1]
depth [3] <== called by depth [1]
arguments: d=OrderedDict([('c1', 10), ('c2', 11)]), key='b'
depth [4] <== called by depth [3]
arguments: d=10, key='c1'
depth [4] return value: 0
depth [4] ==> returning to depth [3]
depth [5] <== called by depth [3]
arguments: d=11, key='c2'
depth [5] return value: 0
depth [5] ==> returning to depth [3]
depth [3] return value: 1
depth [3] ==> returning to depth [1]
depth [6] <== called by depth [1]
arguments: d='text', key='c'
depth [6] return value: 0
depth [6] ==> returning to depth [1]
depth [1] return value: 2
depth [1] ==> returning to <module>
The three calls depth [2]
, depth [3]
, and depth [6]
the three items of the dictionary passed to depth [1]
; they return
, 1
, and 0
respectively. Finally depth [1]
returns 1 plus
the max
of those values.
The optional key
parameter is for instructional purposes,
so you can see the key that’s paired with the value of d
in the caller’s
dictionary. Typically the signature of this function would be just def depth(d)
and the recursive case would return 1 + max(map(depth, d.values()))
Using a logger with multiple handlers that have different loglevels¶
First let’s set up a logger with a console handler that writes to stdout
>>> import logging
>>> import sys
>>> ch = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
>>> c_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s')
>>> ch.setFormatter(c_formatter)
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('mylogger')
>>> logger.addHandler(ch)
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
Now let’s add another handler, also sent to stdout
for the sake of the example
but best thought of as writing to a log file. We’ll set up the existing console handler
with level INFO
, and the “file” handler with level DEBUG
– a typical setup: you want
to log all details to the file, but you only want to write more important messages to
the console.
>>> fh = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
>>> f_formatter = logging.Formatter('[FILE] %(levelname)8s:%(name)s: %(message)s')
>>> fh.setFormatter(f_formatter)
>>> fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>>> logger.addHandler(fh)
>>> ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
Suppose we have two functions: one that’s lower-level/often-called,
and another that’s higher-level/infrequently called. It’s appropriate
to give the infrequently called function a higher loglevel
>>> @log_calls(logger=logger, loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
... def popular(): pass
>>> @log_calls(logger=logger, loglevel=logging.INFO)
... def infrequent(): popular()
Set the log level to logging.DEBUG
– the console handler logs calls
only for infrequent
, but the “file” handler logs calls for both functions:
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>>> infrequent()
INFO:mylogger:infrequent <== called by <module>
[FILE] INFO:mylogger: infrequent <== called by <module>
[FILE] DEBUG:mylogger: popular <== called by infrequent
[FILE] DEBUG:mylogger: popular ==> returning to infrequent
INFO:mylogger:infrequent ==> returning to <module>
[FILE] INFO:mylogger: infrequent ==> returning to <module>
Now set log level to logging.INFO
– both handlers logs calls only for infrequent
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
>>> infrequent()
INFO:mylogger:infrequent <== called by <module>
[FILE] INFO:mylogger: infrequent <== called by <module>
INFO:mylogger:infrequent ==> returning to <module>
[FILE] INFO:mylogger: infrequent ==> returning to <module>
A metaclass example¶
This example demonstrates a few techniques:
- writing debug messages with
, which handles global indentation for you; - use of
as an integer level of verbosity.
The following class A_meta
will serve as the metaclass for classes defined subsequently:
>>> # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> # A_meta, a metaclass
>>> # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> separator = '\n' # default ', ' gives rather long lines
>>> A_DBG_NONE = 0
>>> A_DBG_BASIC = 1
>>> @log_calls(args_sep=separator, enabled='A_debug=')
... class A_meta(type):
... @classmethod
... @log_calls(log_retval=True)
... def __prepare__(mcs, cls_name, bases, **kwargs):
... super_dict = super().__prepare__(cls_name, bases, **kwargs)
... A_debug = kwargs.pop('A_debug', A_DBG_NONE)
... if A_debug >= A_DBG_INTERNAL:
... log_calls.print(" mro =", mcs.__mro__)
... log_calls.print(" dict from super() = %r" % super_dict)
... super_dict = OrderedDict(super_dict)
... super_dict['key-from-__prepare__'] = 1729
... return super_dict
... def __new__(mcs, cls_name, bases, cls_members: dict, **kwargs):
... cls_members['key-from-__new__'] = "No, Hardy!"
... A_debug = kwargs.pop('A_debug', A_DBG_NONE)
... if A_debug >= A_DBG_INTERNAL:
... log_calls.print(" calling super() with cls_members =", cls_members)
... return super().__new__(mcs, cls_name, bases, cls_members, **kwargs)
... def __init__(cls, cls_name, bases, cls_members: dict, **kwargs):
... A_debug = kwargs.pop('A_debug', A_DBG_NONE)
... if A_debug >= A_DBG_INTERNAL:
... log_calls.print(" cls.__mro__:", cls.__mro__)
... log_calls.print(" type(cls).__mro__[1] =", type(cls).__mro__[1])
... try:
... super().__init__(cls_name, bases, cls_members, **kwargs)
... except TypeError as e:
... # call type.__init__
... if A_debug >= A_DBG_INTERNAL:
... log_calls.print(" calling type.__init__ with no kwargs")
... type.__init__(cls, cls_name, bases, cls_members)
The class A_meta
is a metaclass: it derives from type
and defines (overrides) methods __prepare__
, __new__
and __init__
All of these log_calls-decorated methods awrite their messages using the indent-aware
method log_calls.print().
All of A_meta
‘s methods look for an implicit keyword parameter A_debug
used as the indirect value of the log_calls parameter enabled
The methods treat its value as an integer verbosity level: they write extra messages
when the value of A_debug
is at least A_DBG_INTERNAL
Rather than make A_debug
an explicit keyword parameter of the metaclass methods,
as in:
def __prepare__(mcs, cls_name, bases, *, A_debug=0, **kwargs):
instead we have left their signatures agnostic. If A_debug
is passed
by a class definition (as below), the methods use the passed value, and remove
from kwargs
; otherwise they use a default value A_DBG_NONE
which is less than their threshold value for writing debug messages.
When we include A_debug=A_DBG_INTERNAL
as a keyword argument to a class that
uses A_meta
as its metaclass, that argument gets passed to all of
‘s methods, so not only will calls to the metaclass methods be logged,
but those methods will also print extra debugging information:
>>> class A(metaclass=A_meta, A_debug=A_DBG_INTERNAL):
... pass
A_meta.__prepare__ <== called by <module>
mcs=<class '__main__.A_meta'>
**kwargs={'A_debug': 2}
mro = (<class '__main__.A_meta'>, <class 'type'>, <class 'object'>)
dict from super() = {}
A_meta.__prepare__ return value: OrderedDict([('key-from-__prepare__', 1729)])
A_meta.__prepare__ ==> returning to <module>
A_meta.__new__ <== called by <module>
mcs=<class '__main__.A_meta'>
cls_members=OrderedDict([('key-from-__prepare__', 1729),
('__module__', '__main__'),
('__qualname__', 'A')])
**kwargs={'A_debug': 2}
calling super() with cls_members = OrderedDict([('key-from-__prepare__', 1729),
('__module__', '__main__'),
('__qualname__', 'A'),
('key-from-__new__', 'No, Hardy!')])
A_meta.__new__ ==> returning to <module>
A_meta.__init__ <== called by <module>
cls=<class '__main__.A'>
cls_members=OrderedDict([('key-from-__prepare__', 1729),
('__module__', '__main__'),
('__qualname__', 'A'),
('key-from-__new__', 'No, Hardy!')])
**kwargs={'A_debug': 2}
cls.__mro__: (<class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)
type(cls).__mro__[1] = <class 'type'>
A_meta.__init__ ==> returning to <module>
If we had passed A_debug=A_DBG_BASIC
, then only log_calls output would have
been printed: the metaclass methods would not have printed their extra debugging
If we pass A_debug=0
(or omit the parameter), we get no printed output at all,
either from log_calls or from A_meta
‘s methods:
>>> class AA(metaclass=A_meta, A_debug=False): # no output
... pass
>>> class AAA(metaclass=A_meta): # no output
... pass
Note: This example is from the docstring of the function main__metaclass_example()
in tests/test_log_calls.py
In that module, we perform a fixup to the docstring which changes '__main__'
to __name__
so that the test works no matter how it’s invoked.