objects[i].url ============== The URL of the feed, subscription list, or opportunity object. It is not normalized beyond the stripping of whitespace. Due to the ubiquity of format-agnostic feed parsers, there is nothing to indicate what format the target feed is presented in. .. rubric:: Feed URLs come from * ``/opml/body//outline/@xmlUrl`` * ``/gtml:GadgetTabML//iGoogle:Module[@type="RSS"]/iGoogle:ModulePrefs/@xmlUrl`` * ``/rdf:RDF//foaf:Agent//rss:channel/@rdf:about`` * ``/rdf:RDF//ya:feed/@rdf:resource`` .. rubric:: Subscription list URLs come from * ``/opml/body//outline/@url`` * ``/opml/body//outline[type="source"]/@xmlUrl`` * ``/rdf:RDF//rdfs:seeAlso/@rdf:resource`` .. rubric:: Opportunity URLs come from * ``/opml/body//outline/@htmlUrl`` * ``/rdf:RDF//foaf:Agent//foaf:Document/@rdf:about``