1. Getting started

1.1. Installing the Python module

You can install prebuilt packages of Linphone for Python. You will find the releases at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/linphone. This includes only packages for the Windows platform right now. The easiest way to install is to use pip, eg.:

> pip install linphone --pre

You can also find nightly-built packages for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux at https://www.linphone.org/snapshots/linphone-python/.

Otherwise you can compile the Python module. To do so get the build system code using the command:

> git clone git://git.linphone.org/linphone-cmake-builder.git

Then follow the instructions in the README.python file.

1.2. Running some code

Here is a sample source code using PyQt4 that enables you to register on a SIP server in just a few lines of code. This is a very basic example, but it shows how to create a linphone.Core object that is the main object of Linphone. From there, you can use the API reference below to use more advanced feature and perform some SIP calls, use text messaging and more...

import linphone
import logging
import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import QTimer
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication

def main():

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)

    def log_handler(level, msg):
        method = getattr(logging, level)

    def global_state_changed(*args, **kwargs):
        logging.warning("global_state_changed: %r %r" % (args, kwargs))

    def registration_state_changed(core, call, state, message):
        logging.warning("registration_state_changed: " + str(state) + ", " + message)

    callbacks = {
        'global_state_changed': global_state_changed,
        'registration_state_changed': registration_state_changed,

    core = linphone.Core.new(callbacks, None, None)
    proxy_cfg = core.create_proxy_config()
    proxy_cfg.identity = "sip:toto@test.linphone.org"
    proxy_cfg.server_addr = "sip:test.linphone.org"
    proxy_cfg.register_enabled = True

    iterate_timer = QTimer()
    stop_timer = QTimer()

    exitcode = app.exec_()


In the Linphone Python module package you installed previously you will also find some unit tests that you can run. These unit tests will be located in the site-packages/linphone/unittests/ directory of Python installation where you installed the Linphone Python module package. To run these unit tests, follow the instructions contained in the README.txt file of this unittests/ directory.