

This package requires django 1.2. It is not tested on earlier versions and may not work properly there.

To build the documentation from source you will need sphinx.

Installation Options

There are several installation options available:

Using Ubuntu PPAs

For Ubuntu 10.04 onward there is a stable PPA (personal package archive):

  • ppa:linaro-validation/ppa

To add a ppa to an Ubuntu system use the add-apt-repository command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-validation/ppa

After you add the PPA you need to update your package cache:

sudo apt-get update

Finally you can install the package, it is called python-versiontools:

sudo apt-get install python-linaro-django-pagination

Using Python Package Index

This package is being actively maintained and published in the Python Package Index. You can install it if you have pip tool using just one line:

pip install linaro-django-pagination

Using source tarball

To install from source you must first obtain a source tarball from either pypi or from Launchpad. To install the package unpack the tarball and run:

python install

You can pass --user if you prefer to do a local (non system-wide) installation.


To install from source you will need distutils (replacement of setuptools) They are typically installed on any Linux system with python but on Windows you may need to install that separately.

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