features, scenarios and steps reference

Features, scenarios and steps are python objects within lettuce’s feature engine.

Here you will find out very “hacky” details about those objects. If you stumbled here looking for a introduction, it might be a good idea to read the feature tutorial for a introduction.


The class Feature is at lettuce’s core, and after parsed and resolved from a feature file, you can use those members:

In order to exemplify the usage of attributes and methods below, let’s consider that there is a feature in a file called some.feature

# language: en
# just a comment

# another one
Feature: some feature
  Here comes
  The feature

  Scenario: ...


a FeatureDescription object, has the file and line which the feature was described. Lettuce uses it to output those metadata.

the attribute described_at could be used as follows

# the line in which the feature started
feature.described_at.line == 5

# the filename path
'some.feature' in feature.described_at.file

# a tuple with the lines that contains the feature description
feature.described_at.description_at == (6, 7, 8)


A property that calculates the max length of all lines that built the feature.

Mostly used by shell output to find out where to print the feature description.


feature.max_length == 21


does represent the feature with its first representation in current language followed by a colon and the feature name.


feature.get_head() == 'Feature: some feature'

but if the same feature would written in brazillian portuguese, for example:

# language: pt-br
# apenas um comentário

# e outro
Funcionalidade: alguma funcionalidade
  Aqui vem
  a descrição
  da funcionalidade

  Cenário: ...

then, Feature.get_head() would give:

feature.get_head() == 'Funcionalidade: alguma funcionalidade'