
Common general utilities.


Get our ArgumentParser.


Create a random IPv4 or IPv6 address.


Create a random IPv4 address.


Create a random IPv6 address.


Get a random integer in the range [1026, 65530].

The reason that port 1025 is missing is because the IPv6 port (in the or-address/a lines), if there will be one, will be whatever the random ORPort is, minus one.

The pluggable transport in the extrainfo descriptor (if there are any) are calculated as the random ORPort, plus some.

Return type:int

Get a capitalised hexidecimal string size bytes long.

Parameters:size (int) – The number of bytes in the returned string.
Return type:str
Returns:A hex string.
makeTimeStamp(now=None, fmt=None, variation=False, period=None)[source]

Get a random timestamp suitable for a bridge server descriptor.

  • now (int) – The time, in seconds since the Epoch, to generate the timestamp for (and to consider as the maximum time, if other options are enabled).
  • fmt (str) – A strftime(3) format string for the timestamp. If not given, defaults to ISO-8601 format without the 'T' separator.
  • variation (bool) – If True, enable timestamp variation. Otherwise, make all timestamps be set to the current time.
  • period (int or None) – If given, vary the generated timestamps to be a random time between period hours ago and the current time. If None, generate completely random timestamps which are anywhere between the Unix Epoch and the current time. This parameter only has an effect if variation is enabled.
writeDescToFile(filename, descriptors)[source]

Open filename and write a string containing descriptors into it.

  • filename (str) – The name of the file to write to.
  • descriptors (str) – A giant string containing descriptors, newlines, formatting, whatever is necessary to make it look like a file tor would generate.