Table Of Contents
Hillslope geomorphology
Soil creep: linear diffusion
Soil creep: nonlinear diffusion
Flow routing
Flow direction and accumulation from topography
Lake filling and routing (handling depressions in terrain)
landlab.components.diff_2d module
landlab.components.sample module
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This section contains documentation and API reference information for the following components:
Hillslope geomorphology
Soil creep: linear diffusion
Soil creep: nonlinear diffusion
Flow routing
Flow direction and accumulation from topography
Lake filling and routing (handling depressions in terrain)
ChiFinder: Perform chi-index analysis for gridded topography
impactor: Simulate topography modification through impact cratering
landlab.components.detachment_ltd_sed_trp package
landlab.components.detachment_ltd_sed_trp.generate_detachment_ltd_transport module
Module contents
LinearDiffuser: Model soil creep using “linear diffusion” transport law (no depth dependence)
FireGenerator: Generate random sequence of fire events
Flexure: Calculate elastic lithosphere flexure under given loads (assumes uniform flexural rigidity)
Functions used to calculate lithospheric deflection
landlab.components.flow_accum package
landlab.components.flow_accum.flow_accum_bw module
landlab.components.flow_accum.flow_accumulation2 module
Module contents
FlowRouter: Calculate flow direction and accumulation from topography
DepressionFinderAndRouter: Handle depressions in terrain by calculating extent and drainage of “lakes”
PotentialityFlowRouter: Find flow directions and accumulation using potential-field theory
fracture_grid: Generate random fracture patterns on a regular raster grid
gFlex: Compute elastic lithosphere flexure with variable rigidity
Glacier: Models glacier mass balance and flow using thin ice approximation
PerronNLDiffuse: Model soil creep using implicit solution to nonlinear diffusion law
OverlandFlow: Model shallow water flow over topography using the numerical approximation of de Almeida
OverlandFlowBates: Model shallow water flow over topography using the numerical approximation of Bates
KinematicWaveRengers: Model kinematic wave flood propagation after Rengers et al (2016)
PotentialEvapotranspiration: Compute potential evapotranspiration
landlab.components.potentiality_flowrouting package
landlab.components.potentiality_flowrouting.route_flow_by_boundary module
Module contents
Radiation: Calculate solar radiation on topography given latitude, date, and time
landlab.components.sed_trp_shallow_flow package
landlab.components.sed_trp_shallow_flow.transport_sed_in_shallow_flow module
Module contents
landlab.components.simple_power_law_incision package
landlab.components.simple_power_law_incision.power_law_fluvial_eroder module
landlab.components.simple_power_law_incision.power_law_incision_driver module
landlab.components.simple_power_law_incision.power_law_incision_driver_side_outlet module
Module contents
SinkFiller: Permanently fill pits in a topography
SoilMoisture: Compute the decay of soil moisture saturation at storm-interstorm time period
SteepnessFinder: Calcuate steepness and concavity indices from gridded topography
FastscapeEroder: Compute fluvial erosion using stream power theory (“fastscape” algorithm)
StreamPower: Compute fluvial erosion using stream power theory (also uses “fastscape” algorithm but provides slightly different formulation and options)
SedDepEroder: Compute fluvial erosion using using “tools and cover” theory
TransportLimitedEroder: Model stream erosion and deposition using transport-limited approximation
PrecipitationDistribution: Generate random sequence of precipitation events
landlab.components.diff_2d module
landlab.components.sample module
Module contents
landlab 1.0.3 documentation