
Basic self-organizing map implementation.

This module contains the following Kohonen map implementations:

  • Map. A standard rectangular N-dimensional Kohonen map.
    • Gas. A vector quantizer that does not have a fixed topology. Neurons in a gas are sorted for updates based on their distance from the cue, with the sort order defining a topology for each cue presentation.
      • GrowingGas. A Gas-based quantizer that can add neurons dynamically to explain high-error areas of the input space.
  • Filter. A wrapper over an underlying Map instance that maintains an explicit estimate of the likelihood of each neuron.

These are tested using the file in this source distribution.

Because they have a grid topology, Map objects have some cool visualization options, including Map.neuron_colormap and Map.distance_heatmap. These require the Python Image Library.

There is also a collection of distance metrics:

  • cosine_metric. A callable that calculates the cosine distance between a cue and each neuron in a Kohonen Map.
  • euclidean_metric. A callable that calculates the Euclidean distance between a cue and each neuron in a Kohonen Map.
  • manhattan_metric. A callable that calculates the Manhattan distance between a cue and each neuron in a Kohonen Map.

There are also some small utility classes for modeling time series values:

  • Timeseries. A callable that takes no arguments and returns a value that might vary over time. Each call to the function will generally return a unique value (though this is not necessary).
    • ExponentialTimeseries. A callable that takes no arguments and returns an exponentially decreasing (or increasing) series of values, dependent on the parameters passed in at construction time.
    • etc.

These distance functions and time series objects are generally used to regulate the learning parameters in Kohonen Map objects.

kohonen.kohonen.Timeseries() Represents some sort of value that changes over time.
kohonen.kohonen.ConstantTimeseries([k]) This timeseries just returns a constant value.
kohonen.kohonen.ExponentialTimeseries([...]) Represents an exponential decay process.
kohonen.kohonen.Parameters([dimension, ...]) We are plain old data holding self-organizing map parameters.
kohonen.kohonen.GrowingGasParameters([...]) Parameters for Growing Neural Gases.
kohonen.kohonen.Map(params) Basic implementation of a rectangular N-dimensional self-organizing map.
kohonen.kohonen.Gas(params) A neural Gas is a topologically unordered collection of neurons.
kohonen.kohonen.GrowingGas(params) A Growing Neural Gas uses a variable number of variable-topology neurons.
kohonen.kohonen.Filter(map[, history]) A Filter is an estimate of the probability density of the inputs.

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