observable_translation Module

Observable Translations for kivy that change when the language changes.

The functionality of this module is highly inspired by kivy-gettext-example <https://github.com/tito/kivy-gettext-example>.

class kniteditor.localization.observable_translation.ObservableTranslation(translate)[source]

Bases: kivy._event.Observable

This class allows kivy translations to be updated with the language.


Call this object to translate text.

Parameters:text (str) – the text to translate
Returns:the text translated to the current language

Create a new translation object with a translation function.

Parameters:translate – a callable that translates the text. Even when the language is changed, it returns the text for the currrent language.

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

fbind(name, func, args, **kwargs)[source]

Add an observer. This is used by kivy.

funbind(name, func, args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove an observer. This is used by kivy.


Update all the kv rules attached to this text.