chaining containers¶
Kliko becomes more interesting in a multicontainer context. It is possible to chain the output of a container to the input of a next container. There are multiple ways to accomplish this.
The manual bash way¶
you can manually set the input and output folders of the kliko containers and call each consequtive step manually:
kliko-run kliko/simms --output simms --tel meerkat
kliko-run kliko/meqtree-pipeliner --output meqtree-pipeliner --input simms
kliko-run kliko/wsclean --output wsclean --input meqtree-pipeliner
Using Luigi¶
Since Kliko 0.8 also has support for Luigi. Luigi is a Python package that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization, handling failures, command line integration, and much more.
Combinig Luigi and Kliko is quite simple, you need to define a KlikoTask
override the image_name
method to define the Kliko Image name. You can then define
the Task dependencies using the requires()
method. Here is an example:
from kliko.luigi_util import KlikoTask
class DownloadTask(KlikoTask):
def image_name(cls):
return "vermeerkat/downobs:0.1"
class H5tomsTask(KlikoTask):
def image_name(cls):
return "vermeerkat/h5toms:0.1"
def requires(self):
return DownloadTask(url='http://somewhere/somefile.h5', filename='1471892026.h5')
class RfiMaskerTask(KlikoTask):
def image_name(cls):
return "vermeerkat/rfimasker:0.1"
def requires(self):
return H5tomsTask()
class AutoFlaggerTask(KlikoTask):
def image_name(cls):
return "vermeerkat/autoflagger:0.1"
def requires(self):
return RfiMaskerTask(mask='rfi_mask.pickle')
class WscleanTask(KlikoTask):
def image_name(cls):
return "vermeerkat/wsclean:0.1"
def requires(self):
return AutoFlaggerTask()
Which would look something like this in the Luigi web interface:

Simple kliko chaining¶
If you don’t want to use Luigi we also implemented simple container chaining
with intermediate result caching in kliko. This will create a subfolder
in your current working directory, containing subdirectories of the
sha256 hash of the image. Each image hash folder will contain one or more
subfolders which are named after the hash created from them specified parameters.
If a Kliko chain is ran and the hash folders already exist the container is not ran
but the results are passed to the next step in the chain.
from kliko.chaining import run_chain
import docker
docker_client = docker.Client()
('kliko/simms', {'tel': 'meerkat'}),
('kliko/meqtree-pipeliner', {}),
('kliko/wsclean', {'weight': 'uniform'}),