Combine multiple models into a single Keras model. GANs made easy!
AdversarialModel simulates multi-player games. A single call to takes targets for each player and updates all of the players. Use AdversarialOptimizer for complete control of whether updates are simultaneous, alternating, or something else entirely. No more fooling with Trainable either!
git clone
cd keras_adversarial
python install
Please check the examples folder for exemplary usage.
adversarial_model = AdversarialModel(base_model=gan, player_params=[generator.trainable_weights, discriminator.trainable_weights], player_names=["generator", "discriminator"])
The resulting model will have the same inputs as gan but separate targets and metrics for each player. This is accomplished by copying the model for each player. If each player has a different model, use player_models (see below regarding dropout).
adversarial_model = AdversarialModel(player_models=[gan_g, gan_d], player_params=[generator.trainable_weights, discriminator.trainable_weights], player_names=["generator", "discriminator"])
Use adversarial_compile to compile the model. The parameters are an AdversarialOptimizer and a list of Optimizer objects for each player. The loss is passed to model.compile for each model, so may be a dictionary or other object. Use the same order for player_optimizers as you did for player_params and player_names.
model.adversarial_compile(adversarial_optimizer=adversarial_optimizer, player_optimizers=[Adam(1e-4, decay=1e-4), Adam(1e-3, decay=1e-4)], loss='binary_crossentropy')
Adversarial models can be trained using fit and callbacks just like any other Keras model. Just make sure to provide the correct targets in the correct order.
For example, given simple GAN named gan: * Inputs: [x] * Targets: [y_fake, y_real] * Metrics: [loss, loss_y_fake, loss_y_real]
AdversarialModel(base_model=gan, player_names=['g', 'd']...) will have: * Inputs: [x] * Targets: [g_y_fake, g_y_real, d_y_fake, d_y_real] * Metrics: [loss, g_loss, g_loss_y_fake, g_loss_y_real, d_loss, d_loss_y_fake, d_loss_y_real]
There are many possible strategies for optimizing multiplayer games. AdversarialOptimizer is a base class that abstracts those strategies and is responsible for creating the training function. * AdversarialOptimizerSimultaneous updates each player simultaneously * AdversarialOptimizerAlternating updates each player in a round-robin * UnrolledAdversarialOptimizer unrolls updates to stabilize training (only tested in Theano; slow to build graph but runs reasonably fast) shows how to create a GAN in Keras for the MNIST dataset. shows how to create a GAN in Keras for the CIFAR10 dataset. shows how to create a BiGAN in Keras.
An AAE is like a cross between a GAN and a Variational Autoencoder (VAE). shows how to create an AAE in Keras. shows how to use the unrolled optimizer.
WARNING: Unrolling the discriminator 8 times takes about 6 hours to build the function on my computer, but only a few minutes for epoch of training. Be prepared to let it run a long time or turn the depth down to around 4.
When training adversarial models using dropout, you may want to create separate models for each player.
If you want to train a discriminator with dropout, but train the generator against the discriminator without dropout, create two models. * GAN to train generator: D(G(z, dropout=0.5), dropout=0) * GAN to train discriminator: D(G(z, dropout=0), dropout=0.5)
If you create separate models, use player_models parameter of AdversarialModel constructor.
If you aren't using dropout, one model is sufficient, and use base_model parameter of AdversarialModel constructor, which will duplicate the base_model for each player.
I do most of my development in theano but try to test tensorflow when I have extra time. The goal is to support both. Please let me know any issues you have with either backend.
Feel free to start an issue or a PR here or in Keras if you are having any issues or think of something that might be useful.