
Exporting to Dict

There are convenience methods to export the contents of the tree as a python dictionary. This can be useful for just viewing the contents:

from pprint import pprint
db = Database('./example.kdb', password='test')
d = db.to_dict(hide_passwords=True)

... Or perhaps exporting the database to other serialization formats such as YAML or JSON:

import json
db = Database('./example.kdb', password='test')
d = db.to_dict(hide_passwords=False)
data = json.dumps(d)

Exporting to XML

keepassdb has experimental support for exporting to the KeePassX XML format.

from keepassdb.export.xml import XmlExporter
db = Database('./example.kdb', password='test')
exporter = XmlExporter()
output = exporter.export(db)

See the :module:`keepassdb.export.xml` module for more details.

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