
Java offers a preferences system that allows storing system-wide and per-user preferences. You can store simple numeric or textual values in each preferences node as key-value pairs. Jython-Swingutils provides a more pythonic interface to this functionality.

To access preferences, you need to get a PreferencesNode by calling either getSystemPrefs() or getUserPrefs():

from swingutils.preferences import getUserPrefs

prefs = getUserPrefs('/my/demo/app')
prefs['username'] = 'Someone'

Dict-like access only works with string values. To store or retrieve numeric values, you need to use the get and put methods and provide a default value when retrieving values:

width = prefs.get('windowWidth', 800)
prefs.put('windowWidth', 1000)

Preferences adapters

When combined with Binding, the preferences system is really easy to use for making applications remember things like window position or size. Preferences adapters are objects that are bound to a specific key on a specific preferences node with a set default value, making them easy to bind to:

from swingutils.preferences import getUserPrefs, PreferencesAdapter
from swingutils.bindings import BindingGroup, TWOWAY

prefs = getUserPrefs('/my/demo/app')
adapter = PreferencesAdapter(prefs, 'windowWidth', 400)
group = BindingGroup()
group.bind(adapter, 'value', window, 'width')