Introduction ============ Jython-Swingutils is a collection of utility classes and functions that are designed to make creating `Swing `_ apps on `Jython `_ easier. The library is divided into sections based on the area of Swing it helps with. Developers are encouraged to take peeks into each individual section and check out how they can help in the process of building Swing apps in Python. You should also check out the `examples `_ directory (not included in the downloadable packages) for practical demonstrations. Table of Contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 models beans events binding format dialogs resources preferences threads thirdparty/jformdesigner deployment Reporting bugs and sending feedback =================================== The preferred method of reporting bugs and feature requests is through the `Bitbucket repository `_. You need to register to report new issues in the bug tracker. If you need live help, you can try asking **agronholm** on ``#jython`` on `Freenode IRC `_. Alternatively, you can send mail to . Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`