Version History
Version 2.3
- Add support for minimum, maximum, minLength, maxLength, minItems, maxItems
Version 2.1
- Renamed from linaro-json to json-schema-validator and moved to github.
- Reorganized the package into more sub-modules
- Updated documentation a bit
Version 2.0.1
- Make the package installable via pip by using new versiontools
- Fix test suite to be agnostic to python’s rounding of floats
Version 2.0
- New major release, incompatible with past releases
- Drop everything apart from schema validator as other elements have lost their significance
- Tweak requirements to support current Ubuntu LTS (10.04 aka Lucid)
- Refresh installation instructions to point to the new PPA, provide links to project page and pypi project page.
Version 1.2.3
- Change how finds the version of the code to make it pip install okay
when simplejson is not installed yet.
Version 1.2.2
- Fix another problem with pip and versiontools (removed unconditional import
of versiontools from
Version 1.2.1
- Fix installation problem with pip due to versiontools not being available
when parsing initial
Version 1.2
- Change name to json-schema-validator
- Add dependency on versiontools
- Register on pypi
- Add ReST documentation
Version 1.1
- Add support for retrieving default values from the schema