Source code for json_merger.stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

[docs]class ListMatchStats(object): """Class for holding list entity matching stats.""" def __init__(self, lst, root): """ Args: lst: The list of elements that needs to be matched. root: The ancestor of the list of elements that needs to be matched. Attributes: in_result_idx: Indices of elements in lst that are present in the end result. in_result: Elements in lst that are present in the end result. not_in_result_idx: Indices of elements in lst that are not present in the end result. not_in_result: Elements in lst that are not present in the end result. not_in_result_root_match_idx: Indices of elements that are not in the end result but were matched with root elements. not_in_result_root_match: Elements that are not in the end result but were matched with root elements. not_in_result_not_root_match_idx: Indices of elements that are not in the end result and were not matched with any root elements. not_in_result_not_root_match: Elements that are not in the end result and were not matched with any root elements. not_in_result_root_match_pairs: Pairs of (lst, root) elements that are not in the end result but were matched. """ self.lst = lst self.root = root self.in_result_idx = set() self.not_in_result_root_match_idx = set() self.root_matches = {}
[docs] def move_to_result(self, lst_idx): """Moves element from lst available at lst_idx.""" self.in_result_idx.add(lst_idx) if lst_idx in self.not_in_result_root_match_idx: self.not_in_result_root_match_idx.remove(lst_idx)
[docs] def add_root_match(self, lst_idx, root_idx): """Adds a match for the elements avaialble at lst_idx and root_idx.""" self.root_matches[lst_idx] = root_idx if lst_idx in self.in_result_idx: return self.not_in_result_root_match_idx.add(lst_idx)
@property def not_in_result_idx(self): return set(range(len(self.lst))).difference(self.in_result_idx) @property def not_in_result_not_root_match_idx(self): return self.not_in_result_idx.difference( self.not_in_result_root_match_idx) @property def in_result(self): return [self.lst[e] for e in self.in_result_idx] @property def not_in_result(self): return [self.lst[e] for e in self.not_in_result_idx] @property def not_in_result_root_match(self): return [self.lst[e] for e in self.not_in_result_root_match_idx] @property def not_in_result_not_root_match(self): return [self.lst[e] for e in self.not_in_result_not_root_match_idx] @property def not_in_result_root_match_pairs(self): return [(self.lst[e], self.root[self.root_matches[e]]) for e in self.not_in_result_root_match_idx] @property def not_matched_root_objects(self): matched_root_idx = set(self.root_matches.values()) return [o for idx, o in enumerate(self.root) if idx not in matched_root_idx]