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"""Definition for JSON merger class."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import copy
from .comparator import DefaultComparator
from .dict_merger import SkipListsMerger
from .errors import MergeError
from .list_unify import ListUnifier
from .utils import (
get_conf_set_for_key_path, get_dotted_key_path,
get_obj_at_key_path, set_obj_at_key_path
[docs]class Merger(object):
"""Class that merges two JSON objects that share a common ancestor.
This class treats by default all lists as being lists of entities and
offers support for matching their elements by their content, by specifing
per-field comparator classes.
def __init__(self, root, head, update,
default_dict_merge_op, default_list_merge_op,
list_dict_ops=None, list_merge_ops=None,
comparators=None, data_lists=None):
root: A common ancestor of the two objects being merged.
head: One of the objects that is being merged. Refers to the
version that is currently in use. (e.g. a displayed database
update: The second object that is being merged. Refers to an update
that needs to be integrated with the in-use version.
(:class:`json_merger.config.DictMergerOps` class attribute):
Default strategy for merging regular non list JSON values
(strings, numbers, other objects).
(:class:`json_merger.config.UnifierOps` class attribute):
Default strategy for merging two lists of entities.
dict_merge_ops: Defines custom strategies for merging dict of
Dict formatted as:
* keys -- a config string
* values -- a class attribute of
list_merge_ops: Defines custom strategies for merging lists of
Dict formatted as:
* keys -- a config string
* values -- a class attribute of
comparators: Defines classes used for rendering entities in list
fields as equal.
Dict formatted as:
* keys -- a config string
* values -- a class that extends
data_lists: List of config strings defining the lists that are not
treated as lists of entities.
A configuration string represents the path towards a list field in
the object sepparated with dots.
Configuration strings can be:
For ``{'lst': [{'id': 0, 'tags': ['foo', 'bar']}]}``:
* the config string for the top level list is ``'lst'``
* the config string for the tags lists is ``'lst.tags'``
self.comparators = comparators or {}
self.data_lists = set(data_lists or [])
self.list_dict_ops = list_dict_ops or {}
self.list_merge_ops = list_merge_ops or {}
self.default_dict_merge_op = default_dict_merge_op
self.default_list_merge_op = default_list_merge_op
self.root = copy.deepcopy(root)
self.head = copy.deepcopy(head)
self.update = copy.deepcopy(update)
self.head_stats = {}
self.update_stats = {}
self.conflicts = []
self.merged_root = None
self.aligned_root = copy.deepcopy(root)
self.aligned_head = copy.deepcopy(head)
self.aligned_update = copy.deepcopy(update)
def merge(self):
"""Populates result members.
Performs the merge algorithm using the specified config and fills in
the members that provide stats about the merging procedure.
merged_root: The result of the merge.
aligned_root, aligned_head, aligned_update: Copies of root, head
and update in which all matched list entities have the same
list index for easier diff viewing.
head_stats, update_stats: Stats for each list field present in the
head or update objects. Instance of
conflicts: List of :class:`json_merger.conflict.Conflict` instances
that occured during the merge.
:class:`json_merger.errors.MergeError` : If conflicts occur during
the call.
>>> from json_merger import Merger
>>> # We compare people by their name
>>> from json_merger.comparator import PrimaryKeyComparator
>>> from json_merger.config import DictMergerOps, UnifierOps
>>> from json_merger.errors import MergeError
>>> # Use this only for doctest :)
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> root = {'people': [{'name': 'Jimmy', 'age': 30}]}
>>> head = {'people': [{'name': 'Jimmy', 'age': 31},
... {'name': 'George'}]}
>>> update = {'people': [{'name': 'John'},
... {'name': 'Jimmy', 'age': 32}]}
>>> class NameComparator(PrimaryKeyComparator):
... # Two objects are the same entitity if they have the
... # same name.
... primary_key_fields = ['name']
>>> m = Merger(root, head, update,
... comparators = {'people': NameComparator})
>>> # We do a merge
>>> try:
... m.merge()
... except MergeError as e:
... # Conflicts are the same thing as the exception content.
... assert e.content == m.conflicts
>>> # This is how the lists are aligned:
>>> pp(m.aligned_root['people'], width=60)
{'age': 30, 'name': 'Jimmy'},
>>> pp(m.aligned_head['people'], width=60)
{'age': 31, 'name': 'Jimmy'},
{'name': 'George'}]
>>> pp(m.aligned_update['people'], width=60)
[{'name': 'John'},
{'age': 32, 'name': 'Jimmy'},
>>> # This is the end result of the merge:
>>> pp(m.merged_root, width=60)
{'people': [{'name': 'John'},
{'age': 31, 'name': 'Jimmy'},
{'name': 'George'}]}
>>> # With some conflicts:
>>> pp(m.conflicts, width=60)
[('SET_FIELD', ('people', 1, 'age'), 32)]
>>> # And some stats:
>>> pp(m.head_stats[('people',)].in_result)
[{'age': 31, 'name': 'Jimmy'}, {'name': 'George'}]
>>> pp(m.update_stats[('people',)].not_in_result)
Even if conflicts occur, merged_root, aligned_root, aligned_head
and aligned_update are always populated by following the
startegies set for the merger instance.
self.merged_root = self._recursive_merge(self.root, self.head,
if self.conflicts:
raise MergeError('Conflicts Occurred in Merge Process',
def _recursive_merge(self, root, head, update, key_path=()):
dotted_key_path = get_dotted_key_path(key_path, filter_int_keys=True)
if (isinstance(head, list) and isinstance(update, list) and
dotted_key_path not in self.data_lists):
# In this case we are merging two lists of objects.
lists_to_unify = [()]
if not isinstance(root, list):
root = []
# Otherwise we merge everything but the lists using DictMergerOps.
m = self._merge_objects(root, head, update, key_path)
root = m.merged_root
lists_to_unify = m.skipped_lists
for list_field in lists_to_unify:
absolute_key_path = key_path + list_field
root_l = get_obj_at_key_path(root, list_field, [])
head_l = get_obj_at_key_path(head, list_field, [])
update_l = get_obj_at_key_path(update, list_field, [])
unifier = self._unify_lists(root_l, head_l, update_l,
new_list = []
for idx, objects in enumerate(unifier.unified):
root_obj, head_obj, update_obj = objects
new_obj = self._recursive_merge(root_obj, head_obj, update_obj,
absolute_key_path + (idx, ))
root = set_obj_at_key_path(root, list_field, new_list)
self._build_aligned_lists_and_stats(unifier, absolute_key_path)
return root
def _merge_objects(self, root, head, update, key_path):
data_lists = get_conf_set_for_key_path(self.data_lists, key_path)
object_merger = SkipListsMerger(root, head, update,
data_lists, self.list_dict_ops,
except MergeError as e:
self.conflicts.extend(c.with_prefix(key_path) for c in e.content)
return object_merger
def _unify_lists(self, root, head, update, key_path):
dotted_key_path = get_dotted_key_path(key_path, True)
operation = self.list_merge_ops.get(dotted_key_path,
comparator_cls = self.comparators.get(dotted_key_path,
list_unifier = ListUnifier(root, head, update,
operation, comparator_cls)
except MergeError as e:
self.conflicts.extend(c.with_prefix(key_path) for c in e.content)
return list_unifier
def _build_aligned_lists_and_stats(self, list_unifier, key_path):
root_list = []
head_list = []
update_list = []
for root_obj, head_obj, update_obj in list_unifier.unified:
# Cast NOTHING objects to a placeholder so we reserialize back to
# JSON if needed.
root_list.append(root_obj or PLACEHOLDER_STR)
head_list.append(head_obj or PLACEHOLDER_STR)
update_list.append(update_obj or PLACEHOLDER_STR)
# Try to put back the list if the key path existed in the first place.
self.aligned_root = set_obj_at_key_path(self.aligned_root,
key_path, root_list, False)
self.aligned_head = set_obj_at_key_path(self.aligned_head,
key_path, head_list, False)
self.aligned_update = set_obj_at_key_path(self.aligned_update,
key_path, update_list, False)
# Also copy over the stats.
self.head_stats[key_path] = list_unifier.head_stats
self.update_stats[key_path] = list_unifier.update_stats