Source code for json_merger.comparator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Inspirehep.
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from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from .nothing import NOTHING
from .utils import get_obj_at_key_path

[docs]class BaseComparator(object): """Abstract base class for Entity Comparison.""" def __init__(self, l1, l2): """ Args: l1: First list of entities. l2: Second list of entities. """ self.l1 = l1 self.l2 = l2 self.matches = set() self.process_lists()
[docs] def process_lists(self): """Do any preprocessing of the lists.""" for l1_idx, obj1 in enumerate(self.l1): for l2_idx, obj2 in enumerate(self.l2): if self.equal(obj1, obj2): self.matches.add((l1_idx, l2_idx))
[docs] def equal(self, obj1, obj2): """Implementation of object equality.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_matches(self, src, src_idx): """Get elements equal to the idx'th in src from the other list. e.g. get_matches(self, 'l1', 0) will return all elements from self.l2 matching with self.l1[0] """ if src not in ('l1', 'l2'): raise ValueError('Must have one of "l1" or "l2" as src') if src == 'l1': target_list = self.l2 else: target_list = self.l1 comparator = { 'l1': lambda s_idx, t_idx: (s_idx, t_idx) in self.matches, 'l2': lambda s_idx, t_idx: (t_idx, s_idx) in self.matches, }[src] return [(trg_idx, obj) for trg_idx, obj in enumerate(target_list) if comparator(src_idx, trg_idx)]
[docs]class PrimaryKeyComparator(BaseComparator): """Considers two objects as equal if they have the same primary key. If two objects have at least one of the configured primary_key_fields equal then they are equal. A primary key field can be any of: string: Two objects are equal if the values at the given key paths are equal. Example: For 'key1.key2' the objects are equal if obj1['key1']['key2'] == obj2['key1']['key2']. list: Two objects are equal if all the values at the key paths in the list are equal. Example: For ['key1', 'key2.key3'] the objects are equal if obj1['key1'] == obj2['key1'] and obj1['key2']['key3'] == obj2['key2']['key3']. For normalizing the fields in the objects to be compared, one can add a normalization function for each field in the normalization_functions dict. Example: Setting the normalization_functions field to: ``{'key1': str.lower}`` would normalize obj1 = {'key1': 'ID123'} and obj2 = {'key1': 'id123'} to obj1 = {'key1': 'id123'} and obj2 = {'key1': 'id123'} """ primary_key_fields = ['pk'] normalization_functions = {} def _have_field_equal(self, obj1, obj2, field): key_path = tuple(k for k in field.split('.') if k) o1 = get_obj_at_key_path(obj1, key_path, NOTHING) o2 = get_obj_at_key_path(obj2, key_path, NOTHING) if o1 == NOTHING or o2 == NOTHING: return False fn = self.normalization_functions.get(field, lambda x: x) return fn(o1) == fn(o2) def equal(self, obj1, obj2): if obj1 == obj2: return True for field_set in self.primary_key_fields: if not isinstance(field_set, list): field_set = [field_set] checks = [self._have_field_equal(obj1, obj2, field) for field in field_set] if all(checks): return True return False
[docs]class DefaultComparator(BaseComparator): """Two objects are the same entity if they are fully equal.""" def equal(self, obj1, obj2): return obj1 == obj2