Source code for jenkinsapi.artifact

Artifacts can be used to represent data created as a side-effect of running a Jenkins build.

Artifacts are files which are associated with a single build. A build can have any number of
artifacts associated with it.

This module provides a class called Artifact which allows you to download objects from the server
and also access them as a stream.
import os
import logging
import hashlib

from jenkinsapi.fingerprint import Fingerprint
from jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions import ArtifactBroken

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Artifact(object): """ Represents a single Jenkins artifact, usually some kind of file generated as a by-product of executing a Jenkins build. """ def __init__(self, filename, url, build): self.filename = filename self.url = url = build
[docs] def save(self, fspath): """ Save the artifact to an explicit path. The containing directory must exist. Returns a reference to the file which has just been writen to. :param fspath: full pathname including the filename, str :return: filepath """"Saving artifact @ %s to %s" % (self.url, fspath)) if not fspath.endswith(self.filename): log.warn(msg="Attempt to change the filename of artifact %s on save." % self.filename) if os.path.exists(fspath): if try: if self._verify_download(fspath):"Local copy of %s is already up to date." % self.filename) return fspath except ArtifactBroken:"Jenkins artifact could not be identified.") else:"This file did not originate from Jenkins, so cannot check.") else:"Local file is missing, downloading new.") filepath = self._do_download(fspath) try: self._verify_download(filepath) except ArtifactBroken: log.warning("fingerprint of the downloaded artifact could not be verified") return fspath
def get_jenkins_obj(self): return
[docs] def get_data(self): """ Grab the text of the artifact """ response = self.get_jenkins_obj().requester.get_and_confirm_status(self.url) return response.content
def _do_download(self, fspath): """ Download the the artifact to a path. """ with open(fspath, "wb") as out: out.write(self.get_data()) return fspath def _verify_download(self, fspath): """ Verify that a downloaded object has a valid fingerprint. """ local_md5 = self._md5sum(fspath) fp = Fingerprint(, local_md5, return fp.validate_for_build(os.path.basename(fspath),, def _md5sum(self, fspath, chunksize=2 ** 20): """ A MD5 hashing function intended to produce the same results as that used by Jenkins. """ md5 = hashlib.md5() try: with open(fspath, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''): if chunk: md5.update(chunk) else: break except: raise return md5.hexdigest()
[docs] def save_to_dir(self, dirpath): """ Save the artifact to a folder. The containing directory must be exist, but use the artifact's default filename. """ assert os.path.exists(dirpath) assert os.path.isdir(dirpath) outputfilepath = os.path.join(dirpath, self.filename) return
def __repr__(self): """ Produce a handy repr-string. """ return """<%s.%s %s>""" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.url)