jasy.http package


jasy.http.Request module

jasy.http.Request.requestUrl(url, content_type='text/plain', headers=None, method='GET', port=None, body='', user=None, password=None)[source]

Generic HTTP request wrapper with support for basic authentification and automatic parsing of response content

jasy.http.Request.uploadData(url, fields, files, user=None, password=None, method='POST')[source]

Easy wrapper for uploading content via HTTP multi part

jasy.http.Server module

class jasy.http.Server.Proxy(id, config)[source]

Bases: builtins.object

default(*args, **query)[source]

This method returns the content of existing files on the file system. Query string might be used for cache busting and are otherwise ignored.

class jasy.http.Server.Result

Bases: builtins.tuple

Result(headers, content, status_code)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2

class jasy.http.Server.Server(port=8080, host='', mimeTypes=None)[source]

Bases: builtins.object

Starts the built-in HTTP server inside the project’s root directory


Adds the given routes to the server configuration. Routes can be used to add special top level entries to the different features of the integrated webserver either mirroring a remote server or delivering a local directory.

The parameters is a dict where every key is the name of the route and the value is the configuration of that route.


Starts the web server and blocks execution.

Note: This stops further execution of the current task or method.

class jasy.http.Server.Static(id, config, mimeTypes=None)[source]

Bases: builtins.object

default(*args, **query)[source]

This method returns the content of existing files on the file system. Query string might be used for cache busting and are otherwise ignored.


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