Source code for jasy.vcs.Repository

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.

import os

import jasy.core.Console as Console
import jasy.core.Util as Util
import jasy.vcs.Git as Git
import jasy.vcs.Svn as Svn

[docs]def isUrl(url): """ Figures out whether the given string is a valid Git repository URL :param url: URL to the repository :type url: string """ return Git.isUrl(url)
[docs]def getType(url): """ Returns repository type of the given URL :param url: URL to the repository :type url: string """ if Git.isUrl(url): return "git" else: return None
[docs]def getTargetFolder(url, version=None): """ Returns the target folder name based on the URL and version using SHA1 checksums :param url: URL to the repository :type url: string :param version: Version to use :type url: string """ if Git.isUrl(url): version = Git.expandVersion(version) folder = url[url.rindex("/")+1:] if folder.endswith(".git"): folder = folder[:-4] identifier = "%s@%s" % (url, version) version = version[version.rindex("/")+1:] hash = Util.generateChecksum(identifier) return "%s-%s-%s" % (folder, version, hash)
[docs]def update(url, version=None, path=None, update=True): """ Clones the given repository URL (optionally with overriding/update features) :param url: URL to the repository :type url: string :param version: Version to clone :type url: string :param version: Destination path :type url: string :param version: Eneable/disable update functionality :type url: string """ revision = None if Git.isUrl(url): version = Git.expandVersion(version) revision = Git.update(url, version, path, update) return revision
[docs]def getRevision(path=None): """ Returns the current revision of the repository in the given path """ old = os.getcwd() revision = None if path is not None: os.chdir(path) while True: if os.path.exists(".git"): revision = Git.getBranch(path) + "-" + Git.getShortRevision(path) break elif os.path.exists(".svn"): revision = Svn.getBranch(path) + "-" + Svn.getRevision(path) break cur = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.pardir) if cur == os.getcwd(): break os.chdir(old) return revision
[docs]def clean(path=None): """ Cleans repository from untracked files. :param url: Path to the local repository :type url: string """ old = os.getcwd()"Cleaning repository (clean)...") Console.indent() if path: os.chdir(path) if os.path.exists(".git"): Git.cleanRepository() os.chdir(old) Console.outdent()
[docs]def distclean(path=None): """ Cleans repository from untracked and ignored files. This method is pretty agressive in a way that it deletes all non repository managed files e.g. external folder, uncommitted changes, unstaged files, etc. :param url: Path to the local repository :type url: string """ old = os.getcwd()"Cleaning repository (distclean)...") Console.indent() if path: os.chdir(path) if os.path.exists(".git"): Git.distcleanRepository() os.chdir(old) Console.outdent()