Source code for jasy.test.script.unused

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys, os, unittest, logging

# Extend PYTHONPATH with local 'lib' folder
if __name__ == "__main__":
    jasyroot = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))
    sys.path.insert(0, jasyroot)
    print("Running from %s..." % jasyroot)

import jasy.script.parse.Parser as Parser
import jasy.script.parse.ScopeScanner as ScopeScanner
import jasy.script.output.Compressor as Compressor
import jasy.script.clean.Unused as Unused

[docs]class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def process(self, code): node = Parser.parse(code) Unused.cleanup(node) return Compressor.Compressor().compress(node)
[docs] def test_var_single(self): """ y is unused. Removed whole var block. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = 4; var y = 5; func(x); } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=4;func(x)}' )
[docs] def test_var_multi_last(self): """ y is unused. Removes list entry. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = 4, y = 5; func(x); } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=4;func(x)}' )
[docs] def test_var_multi_first(self): """ y is unused. Removes list entry.""" self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var y = 5, x = 4; func(x); } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=4;func(x)}' )
[docs] def test_var_dep_closure(self): """ Removes y first and in a second run removes x as well. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = 4; var y = function() { return x; }; } '''), 'function wrapper(){}' )
[docs] def test_var_ief(self): """ """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var exec = (function() { return 4+5; })(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){(function(){return 4+5})()}' )
[docs] def test_var_ief_middle(self): """ """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var a, exec = (function() { return 4+5; })(), b; } '''), 'function wrapper(){(function(){return 4+5})()}' )
[docs] def test_var_ief_end(self): """ """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var a, exec = (function() { return 4+5; })(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){(function(){return 4+5})()}' )
[docs] def test_var_ief_noparens(self): """ """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var exec = function() { return 4+5; }(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){(function(){return 4+5})()}' )
[docs] def test_var_ief_noparens_middle(self): """ """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var a, exec = function() { return 4+5; }(), b; } '''), 'function wrapper(){(function(){return 4+5})()}' )
[docs] def test_var_ief_noparens_end(self): """ """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var a, exec = function() { return 4+5; }(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){(function(){return 4+5})()}' )
[docs] def test_object(self): """ Non expressions must be protected with parens. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function abc() { var obj = { x:1 }; }; ''' ), 'function abc(){({x:1})};')
[docs] def test_object_multi(self): """ Non expressions must be protected with parens. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function abc() { var obj1 = { x:1 }, obj2 = { x:2 }; }; ''' ), 'function abc(){({x:1});({x:2})};')
[docs] def test_object_multi_others(self): """ Non expressions must be protected with parens. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function abc() { var obj1 = { x:1 }, str = "hello", obj2 = { x:2 }, nr = 3.14; return str; }; ''' ), 'function abc(){({x:1});var str="hello";({x:2});return str};')
[docs] def test_var_dep_blocks(self): """ y contains operation so could not be removed and x is still in use. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = 4; var y = x + 5; } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=4;x+5}' )
[docs] def test_params_first(self): """ x is unused but could not be removed. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function a(x, y) { return y + 1; } '''), 'function a(x,y){return y+1}' )
[docs] def test_params_middle(self): """ y is unused but could not be removed. """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function a(x, y, z) { return x + z; } '''), 'function a(x,y,z){return x+z}' )
[docs] def test_params_last(self): """ y is unused and can be removed """ self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function a(x, y) { return x + 1; } '''), 'function a(x){return x+1}' )
[docs] def test_func_named_called(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { function x() {} x(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){function x(){}x()}' )
[docs] def test_func_named_unused(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { function x() {} } '''), 'function wrapper(){}' )
[docs] def test_func_called(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = function() {} x(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=function(){};x()}' )
[docs] def test_func_unused(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = function() {} } '''), 'function wrapper(){}' )
[docs] def test_func_named_direct_called(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { (function x() { return 3; })(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){(function(){return 3})()}' )
[docs] def test_var_vs_named(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = function y() {}; x(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=function(){};x()}' )
[docs] def test_var_vs_named_inner(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = function y() { setTimeout(y, 100); }; x(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=function y(){setTimeout(y,100)};x()}' )
[docs] def test_named_vs_var(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { var x = function y() {}; // This might be an error: y is not defined in this context. // At least not here in this code. y(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){y()}' )
[docs] def test_var_same_inner_outer(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var x = 1; function wrapper() { var x = 2; } '''), 'var x=1;function wrapper(){}' )
[docs] def test_named_func_same_inner_outer(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function x() {}; function wrapper() { function x() {}; } '''), 'function x(){};function wrapper(){}' )
[docs] def test_global_var(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var x = 4; '''), 'var x=4;' )
[docs] def test_global_func(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function x() {}; '''), 'function x(){};' )
[docs] def test_func_expressed_form_named_inner(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { // y is only known inside the y-method var x = function y() { y(); }; x(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=function y(){y()};x()}' )
[docs] def test_func_expressed_form_named(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { // y is only known inside the y-method var x = function y() { // but not used z(); }; x(); } '''), 'function wrapper(){var x=function(){z()};x()}' )
def test_outdent_multi_var(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var a = function d(b) { var c = d(), x = 3, y = x, z = y; }; '''), 'var a=function d(){d()};' )
[docs] def test_outdent_multi_var(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var a = function d(b) { var c = d(), g = 3, x = b(), y = x, z = y; }; '''), 'var a=function d(b){d();b()};' )
[docs] def test_outdent(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' var a = function d(b) { var c = d(); }; '''), 'var a=function d(){d()};' )
if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Tests) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)