Source code for jasy.test.script.translation

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys, os, unittest, logging

# Extend PYTHONPATH with local 'lib' folder
if __name__ == "__main__":
    jasyroot = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))
    sys.path.insert(0, jasyroot)
    print("Running from %s..." % jasyroot)

import jasy.script.parse.Parser as Parser
import jasy.script.parse.ScopeScanner as ScopeScanner
import jasy.script.output.Compressor as Compressor
import jasy.script.optimize.Translation as TranslationOptimizer
import jasy.item.Translation as Translation

[docs]class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def process(self, code): node = Parser.parse(code) translation = Translation.TranslationItem(None, id="de_DE", table={ "Hello World": "Hallo Welt", "Short": "Kurz", "Thank you for the flowers": "Danke für die Blumen", "Hello %1!": "Hallo: %1!", "Hello %1! %1!": "Hallo: %1! %1!", "Chat[C:Chat (noum)]": "Unterhaltung", "Chat %1[C:Chat (noum) %1]": "Unterhaltung %1", "You have got a new mail[N:You have got new mails]": {0:"Du hast eine neue E-Mail", 1:"Du hast neue E-Mails"}, "You have got a new mail[N:You have got %1 new mails]": {0:"Du hast eine neue E-Mail", 1:"Du hast %1 neue E-Mail erhalten"} }) TranslationOptimizer.optimize(node, translation) return Compressor.Compressor().compress(node)
[docs] def test_basic(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert("Hello World")); alert(tr("Short")); alert("Thank you for the flowers")); } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert("Hallo Welt");alert("Kurz");alert("Danke für die Blumen")}' )
[docs] def test_vars1(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(tr("Hello %1!", "Peter")) } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert("Hallo: "+("Peter")+"!")}' )
[docs] def test_vars2(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(tr("Hello %1! %1!", "Peter")) } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert("Hallo: "+("Peter")+"! "+("Peter")+"!")}' )
[docs] def test_vars3(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(tr("Hello %1!", this.getGreetingName())) } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert("Hallo: "+this.getGreetingName()+"!")}' )
[docs] def test_vars4(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(tr("Hello %1! %1!", this.getGreetingName())) } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert("Hallo: "+this.getGreetingName()+"! "+this.getGreetingName()+"!")}' )
[docs] def test_trc1(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(trc("Chat (noum)", "Chat")); } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert("Unterhaltung")}' )
[docs] def test_trc2(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(trc("Chat (noum) %1", "Chat %1", "Online")); } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert("Unterhaltung "+("Online"))}' )
[docs] def test_trc3(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(trc("Chat (noum) %1", "Chat %1", this.getChatStatus())); } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert("Unterhaltung "+this.getChatStatus())}' )
[docs] def test_trn1(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(trn("You have got a new mail", "You have got new mails", newMails)); } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert(trnc({0:"Du hast eine neue E-Mail",1:"Du hast neue E-Mails"},newMails))}' )
[docs] def test_trn2(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { alert(trn("You have got a new mail", "You have got %1 new mails", newMails, newMails)); } '''), 'function wrapper(){alert(trnc({0:"Du hast eine neue E-Mail",1:"Du hast "+newMails+" neue E-Mail erhalten"},newMails))}' )
[docs] def test_marktr(self): self.assertEqual(self.process( ''' function wrapper() { // Register strings in translation file (will be compiled out) // According to doc, marktr() does mark for tranlsation, but always returns the original text. marktr("Dog"); marktr("Cat"); marktr("Bird"); // After marking the text these can be used for translation var objs = ["Dog","Cat","Bird"]; for (var i=0, l=objs.length; i<l; i++) { alert(tr(objs[i])); } } '''), 'function wrapper(){;;;var objs=["Dog","Cat","Bird"];for(var i=0,l=objs.length;i<l;i++){alert(tr(objs[i]))}}' )
if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Tests) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)